Now what?

Rambling #2 (see previous post for why this is #2)

A little history: Back in 1994, I was visiting teaching (a Mormon thing) at a Lois Upton-Rowley's house and her teen age daughter walked through the living room and into the kitchen. It was a traditional school day and my first thought was, "How dare this mom let her daughter's germ get to my baby." (I had my four month old with me.) So I politely asked why her daughter was home from school. She told me that she was homeschooled. 

Oh, goodness. What is this "homeschooled" thing? We had a rather lengthy conversation about it. She ended up giving me a notice for a state wide conference that was just in a few weeks. 

I drug my husband and two children (2 years old and 4 months) to that conference and drank the Kool-aid. I was in! 

Fast forward to April 2016, and six kids later. My baby just took the entrance exam for Bellevue College's Running Start program and got in. I'm done!

Now what?

About three years ago a friend who didn't homeschool and is just a bit older than I warned me (I was in a group of women so it wasn't so drastic as this will sound) that once your baby is out of the house and it is just you and your husband and he isn't ready to retire and you aren't willing to get a minimum wage job, you better find something or you will go crazy.  "Take it from me," she said, "Capital C, capital R, capital A, capital Z, capital Y with lots of exclamation points after."

Thankfully I listened and got certified as a personal trainer. I have my personal training, but I really need more clients as the middle of my day next year will be silent. I have one more month of where the middle of my day is still homeschooled focus, but after that..."Now what?"

Maybe I volunteer at some cancer thing...
Maybe I go back to school...
Maybe I market myself to pieces...
Maybe I study on my own...
Maybe I teach PE in private schools...
Maybe I take a nap....

But I'm so glad I homeschooled. Best 22 years of my life! I wouldn't trade them for anything. I have life long memories with my children and boy did I learn a lot. 


Keeping it Real

I want to become a professional photographer. I really do. I've taken few classes and fiddle around with it, but right now it is just an interest. Maybe when I have more time on my hands, my camera and I will come to some understanding--or I will come to understand my camera.  In the meantime, I subscribe to blogs and belong to a few groups of photographers. I just sit back and soak it all in.  

Once such group is about editing.  Now for some reason I have a really hard time with some of the editing they do. I can understand taking things out of the back ground, after all, a truck and person have forever ruined my only good wedding photograph I have--seriously.  But the things they do just drive me bonkers!  One of the recent posts was of a wedding. The photographer wanted to "thin up" one of the "chunky" bridesmaids.  WHAT? WAIT? SERIOUSLY? Have we all drunk the kool aid? Are we making real life imitate art now?

see the truck in the background and that person. 

see the truck in the background and that person. 

When I was young girl and very impressionable (you know that Junior High age when any pinch of skin meant you were 20 pounds over weight and you had to go on a soda cracker and cottage cheese diet and heaven forbid a guy look at you because he saw that giant zip that was on your nose under two jars of cover up) I learned that the photographs on the covers of my favorite magazines were touched up. WHAT? WAIT? I was SHOCKED! and then I was ANGRY!!!  See, I hate soda crackers and cottage cheese! I hated pouring bottles of cover-up foundation on my skin every day so I could have skin as smooth as Brooke Shields.  I was MAD!

To this day I have a problem with editing of photos. Hey, I've had my fat photos and I have my bad zit day photos and I have my cottage cheese leg photos.  But you know what--that's real life!  I'm not a super model. I don't take four hours and four assistants to get me ready in the morning. Instead it takes me ten minutes to get the allergy crud out of my eyes so they can open so I can see to put my contacts in.  I brush my yellow teeth and shower my body that has had six kids and will never have a smooth silky tummy because dang it--I earned those stretch marks!  I have scars on my shoulder from a surgery that repaired a worn out shoulder from playing ball and lifting kids.  And you know what, I don't think I want any one to touch the two major scars my body has. One is the port that administered the chemotherapy drugs that saved my life (and it may do so yet again) and the scar on my neck. That scar I earned because they had to do a biopsy to see if my cancer had spread. It hadn't!  

I don't mind some editing. In fact today I edited a photo that was terribly under exposed.  I pulled a photo of my son who is serving a mission in Puebla, Mexico, from off the mission's Facebook page and it was very dark. I lightened it up a bit so that you could see my son. That type of editing I don't mind. I don't even mind cropping a photo to enhance it.  





In 2007 my sister died. (Hang with me--I'll come back to photos and editing.) Since I was the sister and my brothers all had jobs, I was commissioned to put a book together of her life for her children (she died way too young). As I put the book together I noticed a theme. She wasn't in many of the pictures once she had a family. I knew exactly why, she held the camera.  Now my sister was skinny--rail thin most of her life. The only time she was "fat" was when she was pregnant and even then she would come home in jeans a size too big. Me I wore elastic waist bands for 10 years!! So what few pictures there were of her as a mother were more precious than gold to her children. They didn't care that her hair wasn't done, she was in pajamas, or if she was "fat". They just wanted to see their mom.

I vowed then that I too would give the camera away, even on the days I didn't put make-up on, or do my hair or felt fat. I would let people take my picture. I'm so glad I did. See I have cancer, a type of cancer that has no cure, so I'm making the most of it.  When my family goes through my photos they will see lots of selfies, some even in my work out clothes. Oh, goodness they ware going to see the scars, the stretch marks and they will see the fat--they will see the REAL me!  The me they remember. I'm keeping it real! 

Forty pounds over weight, but loving life! Sweaty, Sinking and running a race. July 2013

Forty pounds over weight, but loving life! Sweaty, Sinking and running a race. July 2013

Got some rolls! January 2014

Got some rolls! January 2014

And me forty pounds lighter through exercise and diet. July 2014

And me forty pounds lighter through exercise and diet. July 2014

I'm keeping it REAL!

If I had won....

Recently, Ok, it was like years ago, a family in Oregon won the super ball lottery and some 25 gazillion dollars. Our family has hit upon hard time just like about everyone in the country, and it got me to thinking, what if I was a gambling women and won the super lotto or some rich uncle that I didn't know I had (because I know all my uncles and not a one is rich, died and left me a gazillion dollars. What would I do with it?

Well here is a small list if I won 10 million dollars.

Give Uncle Sam his half--that means I only get 5 million--oh darn!
That leave 5,000,000

Pay off our house--I have no clue how much that is so I'll say 300,000
I really don't want to move. Not that I LOVE this house, but building one right now just isn't right. I save that for the cabin in the woods or the one by the beach when I find the right location. That is what the investment fund will be for.
That leaves 4,700,000

Put half of that or 2,350,000,in an investment account (what do you call those things) and let it sit
That leave 2,350,000

Put 40,000 in a college fund for each kid, so 40,000 x 6 = 240,000
That leaves 2,110,000

Put 100,000 in a vacation fun account to use once or twice a year
That leave 2,020,000

Do a little remodeling and landscaping around the house--let's say about $200,000
I need new carpet, drapes, windows & door, water softener (I hate our water), the back yard needs some major help, sport court resurfaced, new master bedroom suite, four bathrooms need updating, floors refinished, interior decorator and of course PAINT!
That leaves 1,820,000

Donate to the Perpetual Education fund in the name of my mother--oh, a nice round figure 500,000
That leave 1,320,000

Help out my family members who need it and I won't forget my husband side as well. Let's just say 500,000
That leaves 820,000

Boy do you go through money quickly when you are spending something you don't have.

I think a nice family car would be nice so 50,000
That leave 770,000

And I think I would take the rest and just let it sit in an account to grow.

One think I would let happen, I would let my husband find the job he really wants. I don't think I could have him living at home--he is too young for that--so I would let him--no MAKE him--find the job that he has always wanted.

Ok, I will share some of my secret indulgences I would have with the "let it grow" money.
Pedicures once a month
Message once a month (more if needed)
Dinner out at least once a week
Maid service
Season tickets to the Sounders FC
Photography classes
Cooking classes--real cooking

And that vacation fund:
Big White every winter
Take hubby to Europe and tour the castles
Take family to Hawaii for two weeks!
Disneyland once a year
Disneyworld at least once
Spring or fall road trip

But since I don't gamble...

My Love affair with Pharmacies

Ok, some stupid people make my job as a mother so much harder than it really needs to be. Those people are criminals and lawmakers. I'm not sure that is two different classes of people or if you lump them all into one big pile.

Today, I went to my lovely grocery store pharmacy and tried to get over the counter medication for some children in my house who are not feeling too well. The box of decongestant that I wanted was store brand (much, much cheaper--50% cheaper and that was before the sale price) and it had 48 pills in it so that it would last us longer than a day. After I walked down the medication isle and grabbed two tickets, I proceeded with my shopping. Went through the checkout lane and was told I had to go to the pharmacy. That should have been a warning bell! I should have given the tickets back to the lady and said, "Thanks, but no thanks."

The line was long. Seems like everyone in Redmond has something going on inside them that needed to be fixed today.

Got to the pharmacy counter and asked someone, whose first language wasn't English and couldn't understand me, how many of these boxes I could legally buy today and how long I had to wait to buy more. Of course we had to pull another pharmacy helper over to answer my questions--remember English isnt' her first language. Answer: I can by only one pill for the rest of my life, so iI better make it a good one.

Looks like in a month I can buy 96 pills (2 boxes of 48) and that is it. (WHAT? Wait, I have EIGHT people in my house. I guess we start rationing pills. I wonder how many Nintendo DS's I can collect. Maybe I can get a few Webkinzs as well.)

So I asked, "What does a family with more than one person do in a case like this?"

"Go to your doctor and get a prescription."

WHOA! Wait the last time I went to a family doctor for a check up my kids came down sick! I don't go unless I'm on my death bed because whoever goes in comes out worse--even with the prescription. Not only that, you know the wasted time sitting in a doctor's office? I've been doing it for over five years and I don't even want to begin to count the hours I've spent waiting for doctors and therapist.

The lady comes back and tells me that they are out of the 48 count box, but they have the expensive brand. (Well, DUH, no one wants to fork over an extra 50% for a brand name.) I told her no, I can't afford the expensive box. She then tells me they have the 24 count box, but only one. (Ok, that will last me into the next day or so. Maybe I should call Steve and have him hit another pharmacy.)

I tell her to go get it and my family will just pharmacy hop to get the rest. (Let the drug police come get me, I've got nothing to hide and maybe they will get the flu that the rest of the family has; that will show them!)

Before she walks away she tells me I need to fill out this form. I have to give my address, phone, birth date and my name. (I hope I wrote sloppy enough you can't read it.)

She comes back with the little box with the pills in the bubble forms that you can't get out. YIPPEE! I'm just thrilled. Now I get to fight with the stupid "safety packaging" in the middle of the night.)

The pharmacist come over and starts chatting with me. She told me that if I went to the doctor I could get a prescription for this. (I bite my tongue.)

She then told me that in Oregon you can't buy this over the counter. (I feel sorry for the moms just south of the Columbia River. I'm sure they can never find any pills in their pharmacies.)

She mentioned how sorry she was that a few idiots had to force laws like this on law abiding people. (I'm not sure she was talking about the idiots who make the laws or the people who do stupid things like take good drugs and cook them until they have bad drugs. I'll let this one pass.)

She then tells me that my husband can come in and buy some. (Ok, what good will that do? I just bought the last one. And if I hadn't purchased the last one wouldn’t the drug police notice two people at the same address buying dangerous drugs?)

She then goes on to tell me that the manufacturer of the drugs holds some back so the market isn't flooded with them and they can track them. (Oh, I feel so good doing my civic duty in giving them my address so they know exactly who is taking their drug. Just what I always wanted, my drug buying habits in a computer on someone's desk.)

Thankfully the little girl who doesn't speak English very well came back with my 24 count box. I feel better now. My children will sleep better tonight and maybe so will I.

OH, but wait, she needs to see my ID. She then writes down my driver's license number. (DANG! Now they can come find me. Serves them right when they go home with the flu, pink eye and our allergies.)

I swipe my credit card and the price is rung up. $2.71!
All that for TWO DOLLARS and SEVENTY ONE CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I'm not mad. NO! I'm just thankful that law makers and drug makers are looking out for the families of America who are law abiding families who just on the off chance come down with something.

Oh, and don't get me started on the fact that our allergy medication is now OTC (over the counter). I doesn't bother me that 8 people in our house take one pill of Zytec every day during allergy season (some year round since the molds won't go away). No not at all. I just figured it out; for my family to stay healthy I will have to shell out $200 (or more) a month for this wonder drug. Oh, and when we go to the allergist, you don't come home sick.

Oh, and should we talk about how Microsoft has taken away my ability to use my local pharmacy because they want us to use one in Las Vegas? Right, like they know me or care about me.

My rant is over. I feel better and now can go prepare a healthy dinner for those in our family who aren't throwing up or too stuffed up to eat. Boy will I get to eat a LOT!


It has been ages since I have written. Why I'm not writing is because my laptop that usually sits beside my bed has been used by a teen in a writing class and it isn't by my bed anymore and when it is, I just can't use it and then set it aside. I have to pack it up and get it ready for him to grab on the way out the door to class. Simply put, I'm lazy.

But that doesn't mean I don't have stuff to say. Oh no! I've got stuff rattling around in my brain. I do most of my best thinking in the car and therefore it never gets written down. When I get home life hits me square in the face and all is forgotten. Oh, well. You will just have to suffice with my incoherent ramblings of not being in the car.

Ok, and the other reason is time! I'm swamped, but not as bad as that last post. Soccer is over! YEAH!. I love the sport and am so ready when we start practice and part of me misses it, but come about 10-12 weeks of it, I'm ready for a break. This year's teams were great. My little girls team did a great job and kept their spirits up. I think they only won one game this year, but if you were to ask my daughter, she would tell you they won them all. That's all that counts. My boys team struggled all season with injury and sickness. It was a good thing I started with 17 boys. We won three games, but played like champions. The best part about this season as the make up of the kids. We didn't have any problems this year. They were all great kids. They paid attention and gave their all! I truly will miss them next year.

Now with all this time on my hands you would think I could update my blogs a bit more, but no! For some reason things just seem to continue in high gear. Oh, well. I guess I can't get caught with my hand in the cookie jar then!

I'll try to do better, but there are no promises. Maybe you will read my thoughts on excuses or teens or driving or living or cooking or schooling or well, whatever pops into my head.

What no Recess?

A few days ago (Saturday, December 2, 2006) I was reading an article in my local newspaper, "The Seattle Times," with the headline "Elementary schools increasingly restrict or ban recess for kids" This article is about a national trend to rid the public schools of recess. The article says that 40% of schools have eliminated recess or are thinking about it. The two reasons they gave were ridiculous! The first was the fear of liability and the second was so that more time can be spent in instruction. "That fear of liability and the pressure to prepare students for high-stakes testing have spurred thousands of schools to cut recess and physical education -- usually in favor of increasing math and reading instruction." I don't think I want to be in a nation where kids don't play anymore.

What has this world come to? We have become a nation where coffee is too hot, guacamole doesn't have enough avocado and now slides are too slippery, asphalt is to hard and heaven forbid a child might trip over their shoelace (oh that's right we now have velcro).
"Running at recess was banned last year in Broward County, Fla. In October, officials at the elementary school south of Boston banned tag and touch football. Elementary schools in Cheyenne, Wyo. And Spokane banned tag during recess. And this past summer, Portland public schools eliminated swings from their playgrounds, along with merry-go-rounds, tube slides, track rides, arch climbers and teeter-totters."
How ridiculous is this? When are we going to pull out all the trees God gave us because the kids might fall out of them and do what little boys do; break an arm?

Public schools are consistently teaching to the test, especially here in Washington where we teach to the WASL. They teach so much to the test that art, music and now play are being pushed out of our children's lives! This is a shame! "But with all the other subjects we're mandated to have, all we have left for recess is 15 minutes." We are so fixated on the goal (but I'm not sure what the goal is and I'm not sure they do either) we are forgetting to look out the side windows of this fast moving train at the scenery. We are forgetting to get on our hands and knees and play horsey. We aren't playing tag anymore, kick the can, kick ball, rounders and all the other fun games we played as children on the playground. Our children aren't playing them either. We are too busy to teach our children so we left it to the public schools. Now we aren't teaching our children to play and we left it to the public schools but now they are giving play up because they have to teach to some test that is going to tell us our kids don't know anything. Well let me tell you something, our kids don't know anything because they aren't outside making their heart pump, blood circulate and or making synapses inside their brain. They are so concerned with facts that they are forgetting the fun! Boys and girls should be outside running and jumping. They should be out there picking sides for a kickball game, solving conflicts because someone "missed the base." Kids NEED TO PLAY!

"If we continue to eliminate physically vigorous games that help strengthen children's circulation, their strength and muscular conditioning, then just like a river, their bodies become susceptible to disease," say Rhonda Clements, a former president of the American Association for the Child's Right to Play. (She is also a professor of education at Manhattanville College in New York and has written or edited nine books on the value of child's play.)

"The most recent numbers from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention show that 17 percent of children and adolescents are overweight."

If the kids aren't playing at school then they must get it at home. But they aren't getting it at home. At home their head is stuck in front of a screen so they can "relax, and veg out" since they worked so hard at school and are facing HOURS of homework. Our kids aren't playing with the neighbor kids. The kids aren't climbing trees, riding bikes and playing stick ball in the street. I will admit it isn't safe out there because of all the loonies running around BUT they don't even get the chance to do that, there is no time because they are busy doing homework or "vegging out."

I also want to know where and when the kids are going to blow off steam? I know that while working on a very mentally taxing project, if I schedule in some breaks I work better and smarter. I actually save time by exercising. I get up at 5 every morning to go spend an hour exercising so that my day runs smoother. When I turn off my alarm and miss my workout my days don't go so well, even with the extra hour or so of sleep. I wonder how these kids are going to make it. How will they be able to work smarter on those dreaded tests?

America wants to move to the head of the class so badly they are forgetting that the beauty is in the journey and the goal should be to learn in all areas of their life. Math, science, English, history, art, music and physical education. There is seldom joy in life when it just one sided. We don't need extremely "smart kids" we need extremely well rounded healthy kids in America. We need kids who know how to lead because they learned how to lead on the play ground. We need kids who know how to play by the rules and not cheat. We need kids who are healthy because they know how to play and have fun. We need recess!

Vegetarians, Daniel and Lions

On an email list I'm on a post came through written by a mother about how her children were singing, "I'm a Vegetarian Now" from the latest Liken video, "Daniel and the Lion's Den." She was delighted that her children were learning a scripture story and singing. Someone else posted in reply that Daniel wasn't eaten because he didn't eat any meat and therefore the Lions didn't smell the rotting meat inside of him.

A couple things are wrong with this statement. 1. Lions eat grazing animals theat don't have any rotting meat either and yet those animals are number one on the menu. 2. If you know anything about the digestion system, you know that what you eat doesn't stay that long in your system to become "rotten" before it is all broken down, nutrients pulled out and eliminated from the system. And 3. God does work miracles and to say that the Lions didn't eat him because of no "rotting smell" takes away from a miracle.

As much as the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants says that, "…flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained from the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;" and then in the 49th section he says, "And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, it not ordained of God; For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which cometh of the earth is ordained for the use of man for food and raiment, and that he might have in abundance." This second (but first in chronological order) revelation was given because of a group of people, the Shakers, were inquiring as to the Second Coming.

The Lord is very clear that meat isn't on the "no" list, but on the "ok" list with due diligence and prudence. We need to understand our stewardship over those things that the Lord has given us, all things, including beast and fowls. It is only with complete understanding and wisdom that we are part of the Lord's plan.

So to that poster, no the lions did not eat Daniel because he was a vegetarian. The lions didn't each him because the Lord had plans for Daniel. The Lord needed to perform a miracle and Daniel, a faithful servant, was the one the Lord chose to perform that miracle with. I can only hope to be a faithful servant like Daniel.

Sports on Sunday

Today I'm sitting at home while "my boys" are out playing a soccer game. I call them "my boys" because I have been there coach now for three years but my son has been on the team for six years. They truly are my boys and I love them. It is killing me being home not knowing how they are doing. I watch the clock and think of them.

Why am I not there with them? Well, I keep the Sabbath Day holy and therefore I'm not out there coaching today, the Sabbath. It pains me to no end. To make matters worth I have five other children on the team who believe in keeping the Sabbath Day holy as well, so the team is down five kids (one is mine). That means my team is down to 10 players, one short of a full team.

I was a young athlete myself and had to make the decision of playing on Sunday as well. A few times I played on the Sabbath and I didn't like it, but God didn't strike me dead. But I don't look upon those days as good days, even when we won the championship. This is a hard thing for kids to make the choice of and it is a crying shame they have to make it.

How do you tell you children to keep the Sabbath Day holy when there are role models out there breaking them and reaping great rewards. Every LDS kid I knows who has faced this will bring up the name of Steve Young, the San Francisco 49er's famous quarterback. How do you explain that to you young son. How about Dale Murphy? He was converted while in the Majors and went on to be a Mission President. What do you say to a young son in tears when he finds out his team is out of the tournament because of a loss? How about all the other many LDS athletes who play on Sunday?

I use to use the line, "but that is their job." Just like a doctor doesn't plan on working on Sunday, but I didn't plan on getting sick or injured on Sunday either. Sometimes we have to pull the mule out of the ditch. But is an athlete pulling a mule? So if it is a job, what about all those years prior to it being "their job" when they played on Sunday?

With all these thoughts running through my head my one question is, "Where are all the blessings for all the Sabbath Days my family has kept holy?" What are the blessings? My team has yet to win on Sunday.

I'm sure the blessings are there, but today with a heavy heart for "my boys" and a very hard fought game that came up one goal short, I'm not sure I see them.

Editor's note: I have a huge amount of faith that end the end we will be rewarded for our faithfulness in keeping the commandments, and I will continue to obey.

A Stop Sign Along My Route

I'm trying to speed read my way through The Book of Mormon which means no looking up footnotes, no searching and studying. I'm just trying to get through The Book of Mormon and get a since of the book and the spirit of it. I can not tell you how hard this is. I have had to stop reading them out of my hard copy of scriptures. The one that I have had since I left home; in fact they have my maiden name still one them. They aren't tattered because I have treasured them and made sure they are still in good condition BUT they are marked and loved like nothing before. This causes a problem when I'm reading. I stop and read my notes and then I get bogged down. This is only a problem because I'm trying to speed read through the Book of Mormon.

I found the solution; my PDA. It doesn’t have any of my markings and it is so portable. But I'm still having troubles. I'm stopping to make notes, and there are still the footnotes and they are so easy to get to--just touch the superscript letter and up pops a window, and as they use to say in seminary, "The chase is on." The other problem I have, is that I don't get a real study time. I am a mom of too many that my alone time is short and often far between. This year I have come up with a special little time and as long as traffic is with me I get a good 20-30 minute scripture time with no distractions.

I take Kray to seminary, run to the gym and meet him back at the building after he has gone over to a friends house while they wait for school to begin. If I get my workout done in a timely manner and traffic is not so bad, I get back to the building with about 20 minutes before he comes back.

Well, I was doing well until I hit Alma 37 (I made it through the first part of Alma). Then I ran over these verses:

34 Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.

35 O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.

36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

And then in the next chapter these two verses:

5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delievered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

12 Use boldness, but not overbearance; and also see that ye bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love; see that ye refrain from idleness.

If you know anything about me, I'm a busy mother. I'm homeschooling six children, coaching two soccer teams, putting on monthly ward activities, teaching classes, one many non-profit boards, running conferences, talking at homeschooling support groups and just plain trying to keep my head above water. I am weary and I'm doing good works, but I enjoy it--totally. Yes, I have those days when I want to throw it all away, but I love being involved in many things, especially if they involve my children. There is no better joy than seeing your children succeed and doing good works. I try to be very meek and lowly (or as I read it as humble). I try not to do it for praise, glory or income. In fact this "good work" usually costs me. I just hope my heart is really in the right so that I may find the rest.

In verse 36 it says that we are to "cry." I can not tell you how often tears are flowing down my face as I ask for peace and rest. I don't mean to stop being busy, I just want a few things to go my way. In particular my children and their interaction with the rest of the family.

But I think chapter 38 says I'm doing too much and I'm not putting enough trust in the Lord. I'm not sure, but I sometimes think I'm not letting the Lord direct all my thoughts and actions. (OK, I know not my actions because I have a hot temper. Just ask my spouse and children.) I use boldness and overbearance. I need to get rid of the forcing my ideas. I need to bridle my passion as I have many. I think those are the things I need to work on the most.

If the scripture is true then I will be filled with love. I think that is my biggest downfall is that my actions do not say that "I love you" especially when dealing with members of my family. I have many things to repent of. In these few verses, I see these:

More heartfelt prayer

Heart in the right place in my "good works"

Slowing down (learn to say NO!)

Listen more closely to the prompting

Be bold but gentle

Bridle my passions

Be more diligent in having my actions say, "I love you" to those in my home (we will start there and branch out)

I continue to still ponder on these scriptures and see them in new light. So much for speed reading through the Book of Mormon. I know I'm going to have a hard time finishing Third Nephi as it is my favorite.

Vision without action is a day dream; action without vision is a nightmare.

I saw this quote on a lumberyard's reader board the other day as I was driving. As I like to think myself a visionary woman, it has made me stop and think. Am I putting my visions into action? Am I living in a dream world?

I have to say, Yes, I am. I have a vision of a happy home, where children are doing their school work, getting their daily jobs done and volunteering for one extra chore a day. I see them smiling and laughing with each other as the day progresses. I see them quickly coming when Dad calls them to Scripture Time or Family Home Evening. I see them reading the scriptures on their own, gaining a testimony and doing good works daily. But like I said, I'm a visionary woman.

Now putting these visions into action. Been there, done that. Still the out come isn't what I vision. Fights and contention are ever present in my home.

Some of my actions are without vision. When I'm angry…well, let's just say, "it ain't pretty."

So the quote is try. I'm a visionary woman living in a nightmare, at least some days it is a nightmare.

Just Sit Down!

Last winter I did something I didn't think I would every do; I learned to ski. Our family went on a ski vacation in British Columbia, Canada and for two days straight my daughter came in with a smile that I thought was frozen, but it lasted well into the night. I knew I wanted to have that smile on my face too. So I did it. I rented the ski, purchased three half-day lessons and did my best.

The first day was great! I didn't fall once, well, that was until that cute smiling face greeted me after I got off the chair lift. Her arms wrapped around my legs and when she let go, I was totally off balance and hit the snow. (Just for the record, I don't call that falling down.)

That afternoon I spent the day on the bunny slope with my young children showing me all the great tricks they have been practicing. I went to bed with very sore muscles but a smile on my face.

The next day was much of the same lessons. My classed stayed on the bunny slopes and once again, I didn't fall down once. OK, I did fall down when Jason ran over my skies when we stopped for the afternoon, but that doesn't count.

Again, that afternoon I spent the day skiing with the kids on the bunny slope, taking pictures and enjoying the tricks the kids performed on the bumps on the side of the run. My daughter even did a head plant after a rather large "jump." She pulled her head out and continued on down the slope. I still have no idea how she did it, but it was awe inspiring to think about that event. We even came back out after dinner and skied under the lights.

The last day of my lessons the teacher took me up to the top of the mountain. My heart was already pounding and my legs were screaming, and we hadn't even gone down. We went down one slope and as I came down the second part of the slope my legs screamed, "We are sitting down, NOW!" They didn't ask me, they just did it. My legs just bent at the knees and I sat down and there was nothing I could do about it. After about 30 seconds, I willed my legs to pull my body up and head on down the hill. Needless to say, I don't call that a fall since I was in "control" when I "fell". Out of control falling is what I'm counting as falling down. I managed to pop back up before anyone could see me. (WHEW! Ego intact.)

Now every now and then when we are schooling we get knocked over by a well intended child or even by accident. Then there are times when you body just gives out and you have to sit down for a second or two (ok, maybe even a minute). You can recognize these days when getting up and facing the day isn't about the missing smile (it is probably there) nor is the desire gone, the body just say, "We are sitting down, NOW!" I can testify that you need to obey and "sit down."

On these days you might just pull out all the blankets, spread them out on the floor, grab your pillows and spend the day reading. You might even grab the bin of Legos and build monsters. Maybe it is your daughters doll house that comes out and you play "house" for the afternoon. You might even bring your lunch down there and enjoy the day just "sitting down" because your body said so. Or you might just take those blankets outside and spend reading outside, looking at bugs, drawing pictures, looking at the clouds or whatever your heart desires.

Listening to those legs that scream "We are sitting down, NOW!" really got my attention on the slopes. But I wouldn't have missed that exhausting day for the world. Why? Because you don't want to miss the smile that is spread across your children's face; I also wanted to find one on my face too.

Traffic Woes

A month or two ago our local newspaper had as their front page feature article the traffic mess that we deal with on a daily basis. They have called it "The 520 Vortex," but I call it "a pain in the backside."

To put it simply this is where quite a few roads come together; a major freeway, and four or five major surface streets. What the main trouble is that these roads are all four lanes and the freeway is one lane for a little bit before it goes to two lanes or even more if you are going west. Bad planning on their part, but we, the voters, took the money away from them 10 years ago when we voted something down. They had the money to make the overpass two way each way, but we stopped them just a few inches away from making it two lanes. Bad on us OR maybe bad on the government for letting so many developers build homes around here. For over 10 years there have been citizens who have fought some major developers who have, well, to put it quite honestly--they lied! The people who bought those home do not work there nor do they shop there. They drive to Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue and the like. They are just (10 years after the first tree was cut down) opening up the first elementary school. It really doesn’t matter whose feet we should put the blame at because what is done is done.

What makes me very upset is the letters to the editor after this article appeared in the newspaper. "Blame those who don't live close to where they work." "Blame the people for wanting space to raise their children." and on and on the drivel spews.

What if while working for a company they move their office from one side of town to the other? That happened to us. My husband has worked for one company and has had an office in many different offices all over town. I could only imagine those who work for Boeing! Kent, Renton, Everett, Bellevue, Seattle and who knows where else their offices are. How do we pick a home that way? Move every few years or months? What if you wife works in one town and your husband works in another? Do you have separate homes? What if you can't afford a home next to your work? Around here that is very, very possible. I know our first home was quite a ways away because we couldn't find a home in next to the office because the prices were outrageous. What happens if you want a good school district?

I know there are many reasons to pick the place you live. We had many reasons to pick this home. We only live about 8 miles from my husband's work place. That isn't very far and it shouldn't take 40 minutes to drive home, but it does and we just live with it, but wish there would be a fix to "The Vortex." And we hope it sooner than later.

Fresh Air

All I want to do is drive down the road with my windows open with the breeze flowing through my hair. BUT I can't!


The State of Washington just passed a law that states all smokers must be 25 feet from any entrance to a building. What happened to 25 feet from the entrance to my building.

The other day we were driving down Avondale and I almost threw up all because I couldn't get my window up fast enough as the car in front of me let out smoke. Not exhaust but cigarette smoke from the front side window.

You know I don't smoke for lots of reasons, all of which are wonderful, but one of the top reasons is because I don't want to get cancer, so if you are going to smoke and you see me driving down the road, roll your window up; I want to breath fresh air and live a long life.


Don't Focus on the Trees or Don't Focus on the Stones

When I took skiing lessons six months ago, the instructor told me to not look at the trees because I would definitely hit them. My physical therapist, who rides a bike, tells me not to look at the stones when I'm discourage with the lack of progress. I must remember not to look at the trees or the stones or I will hit them.

Last weekend I attended the LDS-NHA homeschool conference where Lori Scovill told us that the best way to change negative behavior in our children (and us) is to look for the positive and not say a word about the negative. She said to "catch them doing something good" and then tell them about it. Celebrate the positive!

In other words quit looking for the trees or you will hit them. If you look at the stones you will hit them. I don't know if you have ever hit a tree while skiing or hit a stone while riding a bike, but I know from experience that when you hit a stone it hurts. My bloody ten year old face remembers how hard the cement hurts when you hit a stone while riding a bike. I still can feel the bean size lump in my lip when I think about it.

I want to avoid hitting that tree or stone, so I'm going to focus between the trees and down the hill. I'm not going to hit the trees. I'm going to try to see the positive things my children do and "catch" them doing it and then celebrate it!

Lori Scovill taught us a "happy dance" that her daughters made up to celebrate when they do something right. She has even done it with her grown daughters in the middle of Target. That must be a scene and I want to do it too. I think it is time for us to make our own "happy dance." We need to celebrate our successfully ride down the hill.

Lost Eyesight

I went to Utah for a few days to attend the LDS-NHA homeschooling conference. When I got to my hotel on Thursday night I took out my contacts and went searching for my glasses. I couldn't find them. I know I brought them, because I remember packing them very carefully so they wouldn't break. I was blind! Ok, maybe in my nervousness about flying I forgot to packed them. I'll just looked for them at home. Well I got home and went searching for them. No luck. They aren't in my house!

I don't wonder if they aren't at the airport. I know they open bags to check them and my bag was packed very full and they could have fallen out. It really doesn’t matter where they are because they are lost and I can't see when I take my contacts out. I found my old spare pair, but they just give me a head ache.

Now, what does this have to do with the homeschooling conference I went to? I lost my eyesight. I lost sight of the end…I was near sighted; just like in real life. I forgot my long range goals for homeschooling my children. I forgot that homeschooling in my family is about relationships and not about education. I forgot that the best things I can teach my children are the gospel, patience, love, long-suffering, dedication, responsibilities and that family comes first. All that is more important than algebra, history, science and grammar. I lost my glasses. The spare pair I had been using was giving me a head ache. I'm so glad I went and had my prescription adjusted.

Now I have to get my physical pair adjusted and I will be back in business.

My Little Red Wagon

When I was a little girl, I had a little red wagon, well by the time I got it, being child #6, it wasn't so red anymore and it was pretty beat up, but it still had four wheels that were more or less still round and the handle still worked even will all the rope wrapped around the handle from my older brothers trying to tie it to their bikes. I still loved it.

That wagon was as many things to me as I could imagine. It was a covered wagon when I wanted to play "Little House on the Prairie." It was my station wagon when I played "House" with all my baby dolls tucked in with their blankets. It was front row behind the home team dugout when we played ball (the baby dolls had to cheer me on). It was a dump truck when I played in the sand. It was many things, but mostly it was where I put my treasures as I went around the neighborhood. Leaves, flowers, "gold" nuggets, "silver" nuggets, bottle caps, chewed tennis balls, and sticks found their way into my wagon. I recall with fondness the day I found a bicycle reflector and taped it on the back of my wagon. It was wonderful.

Now that I’m grown up and have responsibilities (or that's what they tell my I'm supposed to have done these past almost 40 years) I still have a wagon that I get to put things I find as I walk around the neighborhood. Today I found a book on nutrition that I might want to thumb through later tonight. Yesterday, I found a website on protozoa, that might come in handy when I want to study microbiology. Sometime someone suggests something I should put in my wagon, like the scriptures. I find all sorts of wonderful stuff to put in my wagon as I take this journey called life.

Every now and then it gets a bit heavy and I need to take out some of the stuff that was once a treasure but is now baggage, or stuff that I really don't need anymore, or that I've already used and it is time for someone else to find it. That's when I sit down and examine what is in my wagon.

Today I found an article on how to study the scriptures more earnestly that I had placed in my wagon in 1999. After reading the pages, I think I will keep this one for a little while longer as I ponder on the words as I pull my wagon along. I found an article on how to potty train a child; don't need that one anymore now that my youngest is five. Out it goes to make room for something else. I'll put that in the give to someone else pile. I found an Ensign article on how to talk to teens; I knew I would need it, just didn't know when I would need it. I think I will sit down and read it from beginning to end right now since my teens and I aren't communicating so well. I found the set of scriptures I keep in my wagon, dog eared, well worn, well marked and well loved. These have yet to leave my wagon and every morning they greet me on top of my wagon load of things to ponder on, today, tomorrow or eventually.

As mothers we collect a lot of information on how to better ourselves, our families, and our relationships. Sometimes the information isn't applicable today or may even seem like it will ever be applicable to us, but if we just place it in our wagon, we can decide later to use it or toss it. Our minds can remember remarkable things if we just let them. Here is where pondering on what we have in our wagons is so important. They work even better when we listen to the Spirit direct us.

Just the other day I came upon a parenting situation where I needed something from my wagon that I had heard many moons ago. Thankfully, I hadn't tossed it and quickly found it in the dark recesses of my wagon. I quickly looked at that information that so long ago in a Homemaking Meeting was presented (see how long ago that was) and refreshed my memory. I then put what I had learned into practice.

Just the other day on a homeschooling emailing group there was a discussion on parenting techniques and how each of us use different techniques on different children, but all in the same family. I thought about the techniques I have learned about and put in my wagon to use for later.

I'm thankful I have placed them there because what isn't the key to a child's heart might be tomorrow or next year. What might work for one child might not for another, and I have a bunch of keys to try when the time comes.

As Alma tells his son, "O, remember, remember…." we too need to remember the things we place in our little red wagons that we carry around with us. What we hear about today, might not be pertinent today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring? If we listen to the Holy Spirit tell us what to put in our wagons and what to take out and when to use it or where to find it, our lives will be better because we hung on to treasures we put in our little red wagons.

Pop right out there, don't ya

There is a line in the movie A Bug's Life where the Queen Ant says, "Pop right out there, don't ya," to the pill bugs as they "pop" open.

As I drive around here on a clear day I too say, "Pop right out there, don't ya," only I say it to one of the most magnificent view in the world; Mt. Rainer on a clear day. Second and third to that view is the view of the Cascade Mountains to the east and the Olympic Mountains to the west.

Mount Rainier is truly the most beautiful sights Heavenly Father has put on this earth. What is even more fascinating is that I have lived here for 16 years and to this day when "the mountain" is in view, it is a surprise.

When we first moved here I read a newspaper article from someone who had only been here a year when her parents came from back east for a visit. As she rounded a corner on the freeway there in front of her was Mt. Rainier. She remarked to her parents, "Oh, look there it is." Her parents remarked, "Don't you see it everyday?"

Well since we don't get to see it everyday, it is a treat when we do get to see it.


Coaches Needed

I am a volunteer coach for our local youth soccer association. I had never coached a team before until three years ago, but I have been on team with coaches since I was in grade school. That didn't qualify me as a coach, but it did help me know what I like in a coach. Of course I'm trying to be that coach I always wanted.

How I got put in the "job" is a story in itself. My husband volunteered to coach my oldest son's team when he was only 6 (he is 14 now). I was in the middle of having babies so I couldn't do it physically, but I helped Steve in his coaching techniques and was a great cheerleader. I even started a few practices when he was late coming up the hill.

There was a year of bliss when neither of us were coaching, but I was often at the field the whole time and could of, should of done it, but I was having babies. When my third son's coach told us he was moving away, we didn't want to break up such a great group of kids so I offered to be the point person until a coach could be found. No other parent stepped forward and since my youngest was two and I had older children who could keep an eye out for her, I conducted my first solo practice.

I was so nervous. I had cue cards and everything. I didn't want to mess up anything, not even the stretches. It was a great season and the boys went undefeated. The next year we added a few more kids and we improved even more. That spring I coached in the spring program that our local association puts together. I coached not only "my" team, but I also coached my youngest son's team. That was a challenge, but I had a blast.

Last fall my youngest was finally old enough to play. She was just going to play in the U6 program that met every Friday for an hour to play. I signed up to coach her team, but with the idea that I would bring my 13 year old and he would do the coaching so when he had kids he would know how to run a practice. He did a great job. The girls loved him and he loved doing it. (BTW--my soccer team improved some more and we had a fabulous season.)

Now it is spring again and I'm coaching my daughter's team, a U7. They are wearing yellow t-shirts and we call them "Sunshine." The biggest surprise was that my daughter has improved so much! I also coach "my" team this spring. Not all the boys are on the team as some are playing baseball, but I have about five players from my fall team, and 10 or so great players. It has been a joy.

Kray, the one who helped me coach the U6 last fall, has been asked to help coach a U8 team because there aren't enough parents to coach. I am thankful that he has this opportunity to learn how to coach, and do it away from my sight as we are coaching at the same time, but it still irks me that my 14 year old son has to coach. Where are the parents? Do they just think that someone else will pick up the slack?

Now maybe I have an idealist view of the world, but I believe that if you want your children to participate in a great program then you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work, or in this case, put on your cleats, grab a whistle and kick a few balls.

When I was pregnant with child number 3 (the son that I coach now), my husband was asked to be the Scout Master in our ward. At that time my oldest was just barely three and the second was only 18 months. I had one young mother look at me and ask how I could let my husband be away so often helping kids that weren't even mine. Shocked, I closed my mouth then replied, "When my boys are scouts, someone's husband will be their Scout Master and I sure hope she doesn't complain."

Was it easy to have my husband away all that time? Not at all! I needed him home, but I also knew that he was "serving his fellow men." Now there is a wife who sits at home while her husband has two of my sons out in the wilds of Washington. I sure hope she has a happy attitude because I'm so thankful to her for giving up her busy husband so that my sons can spend some great "boy time" outside.

Now it is my turn to serve my fellow man and I'm paying for the years of service that others have in my behalf and the behalf of my children. I just hope others will pick up the slack and realize that when they sign their child up for sports (or anything) that some child's parent will be coaching their son or daughter and they just might want to take a turn.

I'm just glad I love coaching the kids and my oldest son is excited to coach. I hope that all those coaches out there on the pitch know how much we as parents appreciate them.


Stand Ye in Holy Places

"But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved…"
Doctrine and Covenants 45:32
"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come…"
Doctrine and Covenants 87:8

This weekend in Seattle, just 15 miles to the west of my home, a huge tragedy befell our community. A man decided that he was going to go on a shooting rampage and killed six people and then turned the gun on himself and took his own life. This happened at the end of an all night party. The party started Friday night at a "rave" and ended with a few "friends" at a neighborhood home. At 7:00 am Saturday morning this man went to his truck grabbed his guns and went back to the home and shot people. Among the six he killed was a 14 year old girl and a 15 year old girl.

This is a shock to this community and of course it is all over the radio, TV and in the newspaper. EVERYONE is talking about it. Even I feel the sting. I feel the sting because Friday night I knew where my 14 year old was. I knew where my 12 year old was. They were with me in my home with a four other wonderful teenagers learning how to have proper manners, then having a great dinner (I cooked it of course), then hung out and watched a movie. The whole time with me or my husband in the room. There was even an extra parent in the home with us. (This evening was an evening with LYTTS.)

As I have sat and pondered on the happenings in our community this past weekend I have had the thought that "I may not be able to protect my children from lunatic like this selfish man, but I can do my best. If it means making sure I know where my children are and giving them a safe place to hangout with friends then I will do it! I will also check thoroughly where my kids say they are going to hang out. I will not let a policeman knock on my door early one morning and give me the worst news of my life. I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!"

The kids that sat around my table Friday night do not go to raves, in fact my sons didn't even know what one was (I'm not sure I completely understand them myself). They just don't participate in that behavior. I don't think one of them would have been found at a place like that, let alone being out that late. (Our party ended at 11:00 pm.) The kids, guest included, at my home don't do drugs or drink alcohol and are pure and innocent as 12-18 years should be.

What a contrast when you think of where each group of teens where that night. I'm thankful for the gospel I have been raised with that it does matter where you are and who you are with. It matters A LOT!

As the Lord has said, "Stand ye in holy places," and I can not think of more holy place than a home with a loving father and mother who care where you are and who you hang out with and who pray for your safety and dedicated their house for the protection of their family and all who enter the doors. As the Bible Dictionary says under the heading of temple "Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness."

May my children always remember this vivid reminder about Choosing the Right.
