
It's November and of course it's time to start listing the things we are thankful for. Thanksgiving is the 27th this month so that means I have to come up with a long list of stuff I'm thankful for--well, it shouldn't be hard now should it.

Let's start with thoughts that ran through my mind as I went for a run this morning.

I'm grateful for the outdoor. Living all by three years of my 45 years in the beautiful state of Washington has taught me to appreciate the colors of nature and the diversity of the outdoors. I grew up in Eastern Washington where anything green is either painted or watered. I've lived the last 24  years in Western Washington--or as I like to spell it WETTER Washington. It doesn't matter the side of the mountains, there is beauty all around.

A trail on my running route.

A trail on my running route.

A little obstacle in my way. 

A little obstacle in my way. 

The fence posts of a hog's pen. 

The fence posts of a hog's pen. 

A Little Color - The View on my Run

If you know anything about me, you know that I'm now what one would call a runner. I'm averaging about 20-25 miles a week. I'd love to up that a bit, but maybe after the fall soccer season is over. 

I've grown to love where I run. The colors speak to me. The smells tell me stories and of course nature tells me I'm loved. 

Every now and again I'll post "The View on my Run."

Today's comes from the Sammamish River Trail. I did a four mile up and back from the 60 acres parking lot. I took more than one shot today as it was so gray out there.

A little color on a gray day.

A little color on a gray day.