It seems like our life is just full of dancing. Jessie is dancing five to six days a week. But it is paying off. Redmond High's first competition and they take first place in Pom.
But not to be left out, Jason is also competing. Hasn't taken home a first place yet, but he is working hard to move up the ranks at BYU!
Jason far right
It was kind of boring this year because we weren't able to bring Jason and Mike home for Thanksgiving. Instead they were together in Rexburg with some old friends. We went to Mayno's for the day and it was a quiet affair with just Rob, Angela and our family.
Cancer update:
I bit the bullet and had my port taken out in October. Back in September I met with a new doctor (Dr. Kraemer retired) and she told me that my chances of having my cancer return at this date were 2-3% so she suggested I get my port taken out. Because it had been in so long, I had to have a "real" operation and they just couldn't numb me and pull it out. It went very smoothly, in fact I was coaching that afternoon. The only problem came in November when a stitch that was supposed to dissolve wasn't and it was catching on my clothing. I went in to the hospital and a nice nurse took care of it in like two minutes. Of course I couldn't watch, but it's gone and now I have a nice big scar. But I'm cancer free--those are the exact words Dr. Wahl said! YIPPEE!!
Elder Blanding Update
Hurricane Matthew ripped through the south a week before Matthew was transferred to Rincon, Georgia. (Rincon is just northwest of Savanah, Georgia.) He missed the storm but was able to help participate in the clean up.
Elder Matthew Blanding, second from the right
Matt, right. A member sent this via text to me.
Elder Blanding in a cotton field. He said he was getting bit by bugs in this photo. "The field is white..."
Happy Birthday
Steve had another birthday! YAY!!
It's always fun trying to get a serious picture with this group. Alysia, Kray, Chris, Jessie and Steve