"Ye are the light unto the world"
Matthew 5:14
LYTTS (pronounced "lights") is a group of dedicated homeschool youth in the Seattle area who gather together to discuss issues that face us in the world. We discuss ways to make each of us better prepared to face the challenges we will face when we grow up. We are youth that will change tomorrow because we are dedicated to leading and learning today.
Our mission is to gain knowledge and develop these skills and attributes:
To accomplish our mission statement we will have the following structure:
LYTTS is youth led and driven, with parent support. Two youth will serve as co-coordinators.
Everything we do and plan will be shaped around our mission statement.
Every other activity will be planned with service in mind.
There will be two family events every year.
Parental involvement is encouraged and needed as the ratio of youth to parent will be 6 to 1.
Everything we do will have to pass the 13th Article of Faith test; "...If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
We will also use Preparing Youth to Lead from lds.org as a model of our training.
Youth must be 12 years old to attend meetings and required to adhere to the teaching and morals of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Although we are not an official arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint we uphold their truths, teachings and morals and will conduct ourselves likewise.
For more information please email doreen at blandingonline.com