One Fast Month
Nothing really happened in February and yet, everything happened. It was a month of "last minute" preparations for Jason. Believe it or not, there wasn't much "other stuff" we had to do for Jason. Back in December we went to CTR clothing and drop a couple thousand dollars and got literally everything.
Jason gave his farewell, worked his last day at Toyota of Kirkland and stuffed his bags and sat and waited for March to come.
Kray started work at Quosal and Steve quit his job at RealNetworks. No worries, he got a new one that he will start in March.
Steve and I are running Pinewood Derbies all over the area. Jessie loves her dance classes (ballet and jazz) and Chris is having a grand time playing basketball on the older team, now that he is 14. Matt has decided not to play; he says something about his size and not wanting to get squashed.
Jessie has been very busy with her art. She saved up enough money for an art desk and is busy using it to create drawings and paintings. Her favorite medium is pencil (drawing) but she also like to play with acrylic.
Doreen has been very busy with homeschooling and her business. She has been using Heritage Makers to make cards for Jason's mission (one a week means 108 cards) and other great stuff for Jason's mission. She is also preparing for a 1/2 marathon just after they drop Jason off at the MTC.
Here are some snapshots from the month:
Need a water bottle?
We speak L O V E at our house.
Jessie can french braid her own hair: LOOK HOW LONG IT IS!
Master bedroom is all done--but now we have a more recent picture to put up.