That Bone in your Body

I use to think I didn't have an artistic bone in my body and then I had a girl who has art in every bone of her body.  She is very talented, and she loves to draws. Put a pencil in my hand and I can't even write my own name!  Here's one of my favorites of her. 

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I Can't Believe I Did This

Well, last night as we walked back from having dinner with our dear friends, I decided that I was going to do something so outrageous that I would get rid of this bored feeling I have had all day.

The snow was gently falling, landing quietly all around. If the family hadn't been in the middle of the village with lots of people going to and from dinner and hotels it would have been one of those magic moments--so quiet and muffled you thought you might have been able to hear angles' wings as they floated past. But with five boys, one girl all happy and content with life and the occasional snowball being tossed the magic moment didn't happen that way. No, the magic moment as when I turned to my husband and asked him if he would pay or ski rentals and lessons for me for the remainder of the trip. (See I did do something outrageous.)

First he picked his jaw up out of the snow bank and then bless his pocket book because he said, "Sure, no better time to learn than in this snow." He was right, the snow is perfect and I know NOTHING about snow except this wasn't the kind of snow I tried eight years ago to ski on. Let's just say "disaster" and call it good.

Today was fantastic! I went in the "never, ever" class (which wasn't the total truth, but with my past medical history I thought it best to start there). I'm glad I did. We went to the "magic carpet" and got a feel for turning and then on to the handle tow and then to the bunny slope. This run, Hummingbird, is the run that I see when I'm sitting in our condo playing my 12th hand of solitaire and watching a movie, with a bag of Skittles, salsa and chips near by.

I made it down Hummingbird without falling and actually made if on and off the chair lift without killing myself. What a first two hours of skiing! This is FUN!

The afternoon I spent just going up and down Hummingbird with my children. I was gathering confidence and courage. I just wish my legs were in better shape. This is hard work! But I now wear the same smile Jessie has had on her face since Monday.

Here is proof I went skiing (I'm the big one in the blue).