She was a master teacher

When my mom died a in 2008 she left a set of well worn and used scriptures. The six surviving children had a problem. How do you share these wonderful treasures of truth and insight? We decided that every General Conference we would pass them along to the next member of the family. It's my turn!!! YAY!!

I can not express to you my happiness, my joy, my elation at getting these. They are FULL of her hand written notes.  She taught seminary for many, many years. (I think close to 19!) I know that six months will not give me enough time to go through all five books. There is just too much stuff!  But there will be things I wish to share from time to time.  

Today I wish to share a hand written message she wrote in the margins to D&C 6:20 "...Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."  Here is her note: "God often depends on man to answer prayers; be messengers of love and hope." 

These hands have been many people's answers. 

These hands have been many people's answers. 

Five years.... It is what it is.

My mom passed away five years ago today. I've missed her every day.  I will go back and read emails from her. Pick up a book of hers just to read her notes in the margins (she would even write in dime-store novels). I love her beautiful hand writing. She was a school teacher and so it was perfect hand writing. 

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Thinking about Mom

It is Mother's Day in the United States. It is a hard day for a lot of the female population. I remember when it was a hard day for me to. I spent the first two years of our marriage begging God for a child without success. I remember hating going to church on that day as I felt someone less of a woman. Little did I know how much mothering I was doing to children that weren't my own and yet I touched.

The couple of families I babysat and the youth I would teach. They were mothered by me. Of course I didn't think this mattered, but now as a mother I know how much it matters to me that there are others out there mothering and fathering my children. After all they don't listen to me, maybe something someone else says will sink in and make a difference. That is the prayer I pray each night now.

Then I was blessed six times over! I truly count each one of my kids as a blessing from God. He trusted me enough with these precious souls. Wow! What trust.

But today my thoughts go to my own mother who has left me here on earth by myself, or at least there are some days I feel all alone. As I have been thinking about her these passed few days because of some very hard things that I have had to deal with, I have stopped to count my blessings. She was a super hero to me. She did so much and I was so ungrateful. She put up with so much and still smiled. I remember one day when I saw this photo in a photo book she had.

She is about 17 in this photo and at the time I was 12. I was doing some report in school on someone in my family. I don't recall why I picked my mom, but I did. I even asked to use this photo and she let me. She must have been really trusting. The reason I picked this photo was for the first time I really stopped and looked at my mom. She wasn't the "old lady" who was my mom. I didn't see her "knobby hands" (her words, not mine). I saw a woman who was beautiful. She wasn't just a mom that day to me, she was a young girl. I don't remember why it hit me so hard, but it did and to this day I can't but help think of that a-ha moment when I look at that photo of my mom. She is a beautiful woman, not just my mom.

We had a rocky spot while I was a teen. I remember later her telling me that I was a difficult teen. I thought I was a darn good teen. As a mom of teens now I don't know how she made it through me, but back then I knew I had my head screwed on correctly, knew where I was going and I knew I would be OK. I'm sure those were the opposite thoughts of my mom and I did give her a fright.

The day I realized how much she meant to me was the day she pulled away from my first college apartment. I was just 18 and she had just left me 800 miles away from every friend and my family. How was I going to make it by myself without her? Worse was that it was going to take her at least 12 hours to make it home and so I had 12 hours before I could hear her voice (remember this is before cell phones--I'm old). Of course I wasn't going to admit it, but dang I wanted her then. I remember crying and yet trying to be brave. I did have an older brother in town if I needed him, but that didn't lessen the miss, I still missed her. Calling her was going to be sporadic as both of us had very little money for phone calls. Email didn't exist and so I wrote her weekly. Oh, how I wish I had those letters. I would laugh now reading them, but I'd still like to read them.

The above photo was taken the week I left for college in my back yard. I remember her saying she wanted a shot with me before I left. I'm so glad I took this photo and didn't wait until the perfect day.

During my first year at BYU, I remember after one horrifying date coming home and the first thing I did was call home. I had to call collect and thankfully she was home. "I called to tell you I was OK mom," I told her. "I knew you would be worried." She told me she always worried about me and always prayed for me. I'm sure she was truthful, but I'm also sure she had no idea what type of hell I had just endured. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that I heard my mother's voice and the words that she loved me and was always worried about me.

Then I got married and was able to call my mom more often. Boy did I feel richer.

She was the person I called often when I needed help, encouragement or direction from her. I remember her telling me that I was entitled to all the inspiration I needed from above. I remember her telling me that I was a good mother and that I had been raised well. She was right! I was raised well and right!

Boy I miss my mom. I miss her wise counsel. I miss her calm voice. I miss her warm smile. I miss her conversation. I miss her. But she gave me everything I ever needed. I just have to remember it all. Thankfully I know every now and then I hear her voice and she is always saying exactly what I need to know.

Mom, Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you!

I made it!

I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through my first Mother's Day without my mom. I'm surprised I did so well.

On Saturday we did some yard work, and the boys didn't complain too much. We still have a lot of winter snow damage to fix, but slowly and surely we are getting there. I assume that by winter time we will have it all cleared up so the snow can damage it some more.

That afternoon we took a family hike through the Watershed looking for some benches that Mike is thinking of replacing as an Eagle project. The hike was beautiful! Not sure we found all the benches he has been asked to replace, but we think we found at least one. It will be a worthy project. The company was great (although Jason walked ahead of us destroying the "family") and the weather was awesome! Of course the scenery was spectacular! I love living in the Northwest. I can't believe this setting is less than a mile from my home! It took us longer to load the car up than drive to the parking lot!

That evening Steve took most of us to the new Star Trek movie. I'm not a trekie, but the show wasn't bad. I still hate the jerky camera motions that have become popular as of late. I get a headache darn fast. The story was actually a pretty good one and the new cast wasn't too bad.

Sunday morning. I had a nightmare (next post). Woke up in time for a shower and a small breakfast before heading off to church. Sacrament meeting wasn't so bad. The speakers were delightful and the songs were wonderful. The primary kids sang their songs "I Often go Walking" and "Mother, I Love You". (I played the piano.) A mother and son sang, "Mother, Do You Love Me?" Very, very cute. Then after the closing prayer the Priesthood Men sang! the young men sang a version of "I'm so Glad when Daddy Comes Home" and then the dads/husbands sang as well. It seems like our Bishop had some time on his hands and rewrote the lyrics!

After church I made Ginger Chicken (by request of the children). I don't mind making it, but it is labor intensive. Thankfully Matt, Chris and Jessie helped me out. I do love the dish! I also made strawberry shortcake, but we ate that a little later. We then sat down to watch the Sounders FC game (bad reffing!) and then ended the day watching the end of season 5 of Ballykissangel!

I also snuck in there a choir rehearsal.

The whole day I tried to just float on the surface so that I wouldn't and couldn't get emotional. I did ok. Going to bed was kind of hard, but I did my best and held it together! I'm really impressed I was so stoic.

But then maybe it is because on Friday I visited my mother's grave on Friday and left some flowers for her. I didn't know how much I would miss her. I never thought about this part of living without her. Or if I did, I didn't envision it looking or feeling like this.

Over all it was a better weekend than I thought it would turn out to be. I didn't get any presents but I'm not sure I wanted any. I think i just want to plant some lilac in memory of my mom and sister in the places where I pulled the deads ones out.

Here is the Bishop's rewrite!

I'm so glad to see my dear mom

Glad as I can be

Clap my hands contain myself

But want to shout YIPEE!

Careful not to break her ribs

Hug her soft like this

No ones looking so give her what?

An ittsy bittsy kiss.

"I Love you mom!"

...she would make it all better.

I'm not a fan of Mother's Day. Never have been and maybe someday I'll feel comfortable. When I was a young girl I loved giving my mom my homemade gifts. I thought she really loved them. I know better know--she treasured them. Being a homeschooling mom, my kids can't surprise me with school-made gifts cuz I'm the teacher. Oh, well. I get a love note on my pillow every now and then and a hug around my middle and that is even better. I would call my mom and she would make it all better.

Then I became a teenager and couldn't stand my mom. She was always judging me and telling me how to live my life. I think Bon Jovi song, "It's my life" was my battle cry as a teen. Boy did I have a lot of begging for mercy to do 10 years later. I just hope my mom forgave me. I loved her and secretly was listening to all those lectures she gave me. I'm not sure how they all sank in, but they did and I turned out ok. I eventually say "sorry" and she would make it all better.

Then I got married and having children looked pretty bleak. Yes, believe it or not, I experienced some difficulties getting pregnant and ended up on fertility drugs. But I remember those first Mother's Day when my arms were empty and all I had was a promise from a few blessings given to me. My heart ached and I wanted nothing to do with Mother's Day except call my mom, say I'm sorry and go to bed and cry myself to sleep. But I would call my mom and she would make it all better.

Then I had that little "bundle of joy" in my arms on Mother's Day. It wasn't at all what I pictured. No magic day with all my jobs covered, house scrubbed and glistening. I still had to do all the mom things I had done the day before and would do the day after. But my heart always ached for those few in my ward whose arms were empty, houses were just as they left them when they went to bed and whose kitchens didn't have crumbs all over. But I would call my mom and she would make it all better.

Now I can't call her.

I miss you mom! I wish I could call you, because I know you would make it all better. You always did.

It finally happened

I finally had a dream about my mom.

This was the mom I had a dream about. I was this girl for a good part of the dream but then I turned into this age self. Patetic how I could age 20 plus years, but not my mom.

I'm not sure how the dream began, but all of a sudden I was sitting on my living room carpet, the one we had when I was a little girl reading scriptures with my mom. We were knee to knee, elbow to elbow on the floor reading the scriptures. She would stop and give a little lesson every so often, but we just knelt there reading.

It then hit me I was dreaming about my mom, I got to be the real me--the old me--and I tried to ask her questions about heaven and what it was like and she kept Shhing me and told me to read my five verses.

I then woke up. DARN! But at least she finally was in my dream--at least that I could remember.

I miss her something awful! Have lots to tell her and ask her. But mostly I just want to say, "I love you" and give her a squeeze.

Mr. Buttons

I know for a fact that my husband didn't know this element was in the movie and I don't fault him for taking me to it, but I guess I'm still too raw.

Steve took me to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons over the weekend. The movie is fantastic. What a wonderful love story, but....

He didn't know that it was a dying mother explaining to her daughter the story. That was a killer for me!

Just before my sister died I went to the movies with a bunch of girl friends and we didn't know this at the time nor did I know how it would effect me, but the movie was about a sister dying.

Boy I better vet the movies I see just a bit more.

Why I have been absent

This is an article I wrote for my family newsletter. iI thought I would share it with you so you can understand why I haven't posted much. There are many factors, but this is just one.

Nellie Nadine Olsen Ostler

January 5, 1934 - July 28, 2008

My mom and best friend.

Within twelve hours of our family arriving home from the Ostler Family reunion and our extra stay in Utah, I got the dreaded phone call no one wants to get. "Doreen, mom's in the hospital. She just had a heart attack and isn't expected to live." That was about 6:45 in the morning, Friday, July 25, 2008. That day will always be one of the worst days of my life.

I had to spend the morning putting my family affairs in order and then left around 2 that afternoon. Coming home from a weeks vacation meant I had no clean clothes and I also had to get things set in order since I was going to have shoulder surgery in five days. I wanted to fly out of there, but as a mom I had things I had to do for my family.

As I was leaving Redmond I got a phone call from my brothers who were with my mom. They put me on speaker phone so that I could listen to the priesthood blessing they gave mom. Duane and Mike were also able to join through cell phone technology. What a blessing--literally; to hear and be part of that even though I was 228 miles away. That trip, though only 3.5 hours long, was one of the longest trips I've ever endured.

I don't even know how to write what I found when I got there. My mom was in a hospital bed just laying there. It truly wasn't the way I wanted to see my mom. She never did regain consciousness but I knew she was listening to us and if only her body was willing she would have hugged us all.

We stayed with her until Mike and Duane were able to get there. They flew up from the Phoenix area and got there around 3 in the morning. Oh, that was hard. All of us kids (minus Nadine) were there. We all needed some sleep so we went Lee's or Scott's to find beds and agreed to meet back at 7. I couldn't sleep. I think I got about 90 minutes of sleep that night. I showered and was back at her bedside by 6:30.

That day (Saturday) we decided to bring mom home. Arrangements were made and we brought mom home to Lee's house--her house. While we were all with her and arrangements were being made to get mom home, we planned her funeral and picked out her plot. Never thought I would have to actually do this. It felt like a dream. I would have called it a nightmare, but it was lovely, not scary or awful.

While at the hospital she started raising her hands and grasping the air like she was trying to grab onto something or someone. I hoped it was Nadine, her daughter; or Calvin, Nadine's son and mom's grandson; or Colbie, mom's great-granddaughter coming to show her the way. Who knows what that meant. Maybe it was her parents or guiding angels. I just know heaven was very close that day.

We stood vigil around her bed. Happy memories flooded the room. It was good to be in there and share wonderful thoughts about my mom and our childhood. Dale soon had to leave to go back home. I tried to stay awake as much as I could, but I was running on empty. Lee's kids said they would take the late watch and stayed up all night playing games. Since I was downstairs every time they got excited and talk or screamed a bit too loud, I would wake thinking this was it. It wasn't peaceful sleep, but it was sleep.

Sunday broke as a bright day in Richland. The sun was pouring into Lee's house and on my mom's beautiful face. Of course we moved her so she wouldn't get too hot or be uncomfortable. We continued with memories of our life with mom. I know my brothers' time is limited as they all are fathers and husbands with jobs that need to be done to support their families, but I do hope and pray that they will one day write down those memories that flooded the room over that weekend.

It was decided that the girls needed to give mom a bath. That was so very hard for me. Here I was the daughter giving my mom one of her last baths. It was very bitter-sweet. I truly wished I had climbed in bed with her and just held her. I thought it would be a bit foolish and childish, but as I type this I do have that one regret.

Mike and Duane had to leave to catch their plane home and eventually I did too (although I was driving home). I didn't want to leave but I had to. I had a family I needed to look after and surgery on Tuesday. Somehow I made the drive in under 3 hours. I think it was the Lord was being merciful to me because I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts and crying makes my contacts get gooey or fall out and I'm blind as a bat without them.

Monday was surreal for me. I waited around home waiting and waiting for the multiple phone calls in preparation for my surgery. I had been praying since my mom's heart attack for direction in regards to having surgery or cancelling it. After a wonderful blessing by all those wonderful priesthood holders by the bedside of my mom, I knew she would want me to have the surgery and I truly couldn't put it off. The pain in my shoulder was stopping me from doing wonderful things with and for my children. At the water park I couldn't join them in much of the fun because of the pain. I hated waiting for the phone call because mixed up in it may be the phone call I didn't want to take.

As Steve and I were trying to go to sleep (sleep was very hard to come by) the phone did ring. It was about 10:45. My nephew Ryan was on the other end of the line. His news was the news I didn't want to hear but knew exactly what he was going to say. My mom had gone home just moments before. He told me it was peaceful and she was still beautiful. My mom was gone and I felt so alone. Thankfully I had Steve to wrap me in his love.

The alarm woke me way too early since I got to sleep so late. Off to the hospital. I was hopeful that the surgery and subsequent drugs would help dull the ache in my heart and let me forget the pain. The surgery went very well. The doctor removed a calcium deposit about the size of the tip of your little finger from the middle of my muscle. He reattached the muscle (tendon or ligament--I'm not sure) to my shoulder bone and cleaned up my shoulder. I'm still not quite sure what all went on inside, but he said that he liked the results and that I should be 100% in a couple of months.

Recovery went ok. I threw up a few times in the hospital but that was all. I've found that anesthesia and I just don't mix very well. I don't think I even said 99 when they told me to count backwards from 100. Thankfully I had some powerful drugs for that Tuesday and Wednesday. It numbed the physical pain and let me sleep.

Kray drove me and a couple of the kids to Richland Thursday afternoon. Steve and the rest of the family came over on Friday.

Friday morning is a day I will never forget. I dressed my mother in her temple garments. Oh, she was, still is, a beautiful lady. They did her hair just right. Her dress (I had to pick out a new one since the one she wore was a little soiled--guess she went so many times that it got soiled and a bit worn) was very fitting. Just a little lace, just like my mom would say. "A little lace give it that feminine look, Doreen." While we were dressing her, I noticed that her fingernails weren't painted. She hated her hands because they always were so knobby from arthritis so she kept her fingernails painted so no one would notice her knuckles. My dear niece talked to the funeral director and it was OK for us to purchase some nail polish and they would paint her nails. How sweet of them.

Again, I just wanted to lay down by my mom, wrap her in my arms and wind back the clock. Walking away from the funeral home was one of the hardest things I did.

That night we did something I had emailed Lee about. I wanted to release balloons with notes from us--all of us--to my mom. Thankfully he agreed. My siblings may not know how many times mom and I did that while I was in young women's with mom. We would write our testimonies and put them in the balloons as we released them. I don't think she did that with any of my siblings, but she did with me. It was great! We had just finished dinner at Scott's and my mother's living siblings were able to attend with us. It was great to see them again. I had seen most of them at Nadine's funeral, but it was great to see them again.

We had a viewing Friday night. It was fun to see so many faces, but after 20 years I had forgotten most of the names. Faces were easy, but names came hard. I got to sit and chat with my second mom a good deal. Diane Allen is my best friend's mom and she was so kind to me back then and again that day. We chatted about old times and new times. It was great to see such warm and friendly faces from years past.

Saturday was the day of her funeral. I spent the morning scanning photos and documents from my mother. The kids went to Scott's office party. Then the dreaded time had come. I was asked to place the veil over my mom's lovely face. What an honor, but it was so painful. Just as I was about to cover her face, a hand touched my shoulder, my brothers were behind me. We all took one more moment to say good bye to our beloved mother. Then I placed the veil over her face and they closed the casket.

The funeral was wonderful. We tried hard to honor mom's wish and not have a sad drawn out funeral, but a party. Boy, did we try, but still the tears flowed, we just couldn't help it. Even though I had helped put the funeral program, I was still surprised that Kray conducted the first song. We had asked Anne to secure the pianist and conductors for the congregational songs and somehow she was able to get all the families represented (except Mike's). What a feat. Scott gave a wonderful Life Sketch of a lovely lady. I sang with my brothers the same song they sang at Nadine's funeral, Come Thou Fount. I was so glad to sing with them again, just like old times, only we were missing Nadine as alto and Mom on the piano. Anne steppe dup and played and Scott took the alto part. Our old Bishop, David Jepson, gave a great talk about how mom tried so hard to be like the Savior. Lastly all the grandkids and great-grandkids sang Families Can Be Together & I Am a Child of God to end the service. How wonderful that music is still alive all because of my mom.

Then off to the cemetery. All of my brother plus Mark and Steve were pallbearers and the first born male with Savannah (Mike's first born) were honorary pallbearers. How wonderful. The dedication was done by Mike and was so sweet.

Throughout the funeral there were seven roses on my mom's casket; six red and one white. They were for her seven children. The white one is for my sister. It was an honor to have Nadine's first born, Anne, represent her mother, my sister, at the funeral.

I'm honored to be part of my mom's legacy. I'm honored to be her daughter and to have called her mom. I loved her so very much and miss her every day.

Placing our roses on mom's casket.

Anne got to place Nadine's, a white rose, in her mother's behalf.

The seven roses!

Dale, Duane, Lee, Doreen, Scott, Mike & Mark

Mom's party!

Mom's siblings: Jimmy, Eugene, MeriLee & Don