"But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved…"
Doctrine and Covenants 45:32
"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come…"
Doctrine and Covenants 87:8
This weekend in Seattle, just 15 miles to the west of my home, a huge tragedy befell our community. A man decided that he was going to go on a shooting rampage and killed six people and then turned the gun on himself and took his own life. This happened at the end of an all night party. The party started Friday night at a "rave" and ended with a few "friends" at a neighborhood home. At 7:00 am Saturday morning this man went to his truck grabbed his guns and went back to the home and shot people. Among the six he killed was a 14 year old girl and a 15 year old girl.
This is a shock to this community and of course it is all over the radio, TV and in the newspaper. EVERYONE is talking about it. Even I feel the sting. I feel the sting because Friday night I knew where my 14 year old was. I knew where my 12 year old was. They were with me in my home with a four other wonderful teenagers learning how to have proper manners, then having a great dinner (I cooked it of course), then hung out and watched a movie. The whole time with me or my husband in the room. There was even an extra parent in the home with us. (This evening was an evening with LYTTS.)
As I have sat and pondered on the happenings in our community this past weekend I have had the thought that "I may not be able to protect my children from lunatic like this selfish man, but I can do my best. If it means making sure I know where my children are and giving them a safe place to hangout with friends then I will do it! I will also check thoroughly where my kids say they are going to hang out. I will not let a policeman knock on my door early one morning and give me the worst news of my life. I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!"
The kids that sat around my table Friday night do not go to raves, in fact my sons didn't even know what one was (I'm not sure I completely understand them myself). They just don't participate in that behavior. I don't think one of them would have been found at a place like that, let alone being out that late. (Our party ended at 11:00 pm.) The kids, guest included, at my home don't do drugs or drink alcohol and are pure and innocent as 12-18 years should be.
What a contrast when you think of where each group of teens where that night. I'm thankful for the gospel I have been raised with that it does matter where you are and who you are with. It matters A LOT!
As the Lord has said, "Stand ye in holy places," and I can not think of more holy place than a home with a loving father and mother who care where you are and who you hang out with and who pray for your safety and dedicated their house for the protection of their family and all who enter the doors. As the Bible Dictionary says under the heading of temple "Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness."
May my children always remember this vivid reminder about Choosing the Right.
Doctrine and Covenants 45:32
"Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come…"
Doctrine and Covenants 87:8
This weekend in Seattle, just 15 miles to the west of my home, a huge tragedy befell our community. A man decided that he was going to go on a shooting rampage and killed six people and then turned the gun on himself and took his own life. This happened at the end of an all night party. The party started Friday night at a "rave" and ended with a few "friends" at a neighborhood home. At 7:00 am Saturday morning this man went to his truck grabbed his guns and went back to the home and shot people. Among the six he killed was a 14 year old girl and a 15 year old girl.
This is a shock to this community and of course it is all over the radio, TV and in the newspaper. EVERYONE is talking about it. Even I feel the sting. I feel the sting because Friday night I knew where my 14 year old was. I knew where my 12 year old was. They were with me in my home with a four other wonderful teenagers learning how to have proper manners, then having a great dinner (I cooked it of course), then hung out and watched a movie. The whole time with me or my husband in the room. There was even an extra parent in the home with us. (This evening was an evening with LYTTS.)
As I have sat and pondered on the happenings in our community this past weekend I have had the thought that "I may not be able to protect my children from lunatic like this selfish man, but I can do my best. If it means making sure I know where my children are and giving them a safe place to hangout with friends then I will do it! I will also check thoroughly where my kids say they are going to hang out. I will not let a policeman knock on my door early one morning and give me the worst news of my life. I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!"
The kids that sat around my table Friday night do not go to raves, in fact my sons didn't even know what one was (I'm not sure I completely understand them myself). They just don't participate in that behavior. I don't think one of them would have been found at a place like that, let alone being out that late. (Our party ended at 11:00 pm.) The kids, guest included, at my home don't do drugs or drink alcohol and are pure and innocent as 12-18 years should be.
What a contrast when you think of where each group of teens where that night. I'm thankful for the gospel I have been raised with that it does matter where you are and who you are with. It matters A LOT!
As the Lord has said, "Stand ye in holy places," and I can not think of more holy place than a home with a loving father and mother who care where you are and who you hang out with and who pray for your safety and dedicated their house for the protection of their family and all who enter the doors. As the Bible Dictionary says under the heading of temple "Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness."
May my children always remember this vivid reminder about Choosing the Right.