April 13, 2015, One Short Transfer

Hi Mom,

Time's flying by on the mission. I can't believe I've been out for 9 months now. Yes, I'm probably being transferred this round, a missionary staying longer then four is rarely heard of, and I've been here for five now. I'll know for sure on Saturday.

Other things, before I forget (Again) I've bought a membership at Costco (that's so much easier to say in English) and I think I'm sending the card to the mission, but the home address I've given is the one in Washington, so it might go there. If it does send it along. I also made you the second card holder, as a back up, so either it will go there, or I'm writing home the old-fashioned way soon. As for test clients, you have two. Me and Elder Joyner. We've been doing them together and he really likes them. He's asked me to send them his way, and I'm more then happy to oblige (if that's ok by you).

On to the week. Yours was long, my was quick. It feels like the Transfer just started to be honest. Not much happened this week. We just spent the whole time Talking with Everyone and hoping to find the diamond in the rough. We only taught S*, all our other investigators have successfully fallen off the face of the earth. We did have three cenas with members, and have five set up for next week. WE HAVE FOOD LEFT OVER FROM LAST WEEK AND ONLY NEED LIKE 3 MORE MEALS!!!

Got to make this quicker then I'd like, Elder Joyner has to get his bike fixed.

Miracle!!! S* has accepted the RESTORED GOSPLE of JESUCRISTO!!!! We had a lesson with her at a member's house and after the lesson, we were walking her to her car and she told us (Translation of a paraphrase) "I believe that Thomas S. Monson's a prophet, I'm just worried that I'm going to fall after baptism." !!!!!!! :D :D :D NOT ENOUGH EMOTOCONS TO EXPRES MY EXCITMENT. The only sad part of this news, She's looking at May for her baptism, and I will likely leave next Tuesday, so I probably won't see her baptism :(. BUT WHO FREAKIN CARES!!!! SHE'S MADE IT!!!!! ONE YEAR FROM MAY I'M GONING TO THE TEMPLE!!!!

Just about out of time now. That's about all I had to say. Just


Weight; 157 lbs (Member cenas, what can I say)

Dias de espanol; 7/7!!! (one more week and I've hit a transfer)


Elder Blanding

P.s. Thanks for the work outs.