Here is his first email:
I still can't believe someone gave Kray a loan. I never thought I would see the day my dad bought a bike (I can believe Kray would just not that someone would loan him the money).
Thanks for the package it can get cold during the night
here. Just in case you haven't got my letter yet, it snowed twice
this week it was awesome. One of the Elders in my district hadn't seen
before (he grew up in Haiti and then moved to Miami when he was 10 (I
think)). Sadly the snow melted by the end of the day both times :(
As much as I love it here in the CCM [MTC] I can't wait to get out into the field.
We finally got a new district in our zone so my district is no longer the newest district in the zone.
things are going well over all. oh you were right about me probably needing lotion so if you could send me some good lotion in the next package that would be awesome.
I will send you some pictures later today because I don't have my camera with me and even if I did this computer doesn't like to send pictures. (and yes the email client doesn't like big pictures and I didn't get it the first time you sent them).
Editor's note: I had sent him a few pictures of his dad and brother on their bikes.
Elder Jason Blanding is far left.
Elder Jason Blanding is upper left.
Elder Jason Blanding is (again) far left.
Elder Jason Blanding and his companion Elder Clark
This time Jason is on the right.
Then his last email:
I just got your letters like 5 min. ago. YOU GAVE CHRIS YOUR IPHONE!!! you didn't even give me buy a smart phone and you just give Chris an iPhone? (yes I'm a little jealous) but anyways congrats to you on getting a new iPhone. how is dad liking his new job?