Well at least the Seahawks are still doing well. Who did we play on Monday Night Football last week you forgot to give me an update on that.
Today I don't have a lot of time to write because we had a zone activity and also we have to end our P-day at 5 (it is 4:30 right now) because we have to fill out some forms by Wednesday and we are completely full on appointments tomorrow. It is a little annoying but it oh well things are how they are.
The zone activity was really cool. Basically we played tourists today. We went to La Catedral, the most famous cathedral in Puebla, I also happens to be in the south mission... by one street (don't worry we got permission). We also took a tour bus that takes you around to see most of the famous sites in Puebla. It was really cool.
Also my packages have arrived and are in the zone leaders' house. I would have gotten them but we were short on time and it was starting to rain so I decided to wait until Wednesday when we will be having a zone meeting to get them.bThey didn't say anything about them having been opened so I assume they are just fine.
So this week we have had a little more success with investigators. We still didn't have many lessons but we have at least had more appointments. I also don't get why the Missionary Handbook says that holidays are some of the best days to find people in their houses because we had the 1st and 2nd of November full of appointments and only one person was there. Maybe it was referring more to Christmas and the like than to the day of the dead/Halloween, but still, either way we tried and we have a lot of appointments with contacts in the next few days so I have some hope that we will get a few new investigators.
Elder Blanding.
The picture is from when we went to visit someone and they had this so we decided to take some pictures. I'm teaching her about the Book of Mormon.
"Don't think she is feeling it, Elder."
La Catedral Elder Blanding visited today in Puebla.
This is from the internet--Elder Blanding didn't take this photo.