My friends,
My heart is breaking because my sister finally passed away yesterday morning (August 15). After a long six year battle with brain cancer she has finally found her rest. It is amazing how even knowing for six years this day would come, it still is very hard.
I have been selected to put together a slide show of my sister's life, but like many of us moms, she was the one behind the camera and the pictures are all of her children. I believe that is the way it should be, BUT..
As Nadine leaves behind very young children (she had 9 of which the youngest is just 10), there are very few pictures of her. With today's digital age, PLEASE let them take your picture. You can always hide in a file marked "for when I'm gone", but my dear sweet nieces and nephews have few pictures of their mother as their mother. Not many pictures of her childhood-but that is because of money and technology. Today we have little excuses for the lack of pictures since we can down load them from our digital cameras for free! Make that file TODAY and fill it. It is a beautiful day to go and take pictures.
I know I don't like the way I look. I'm fat, still have pregnancy mask face and always will unless I want to undergo laser treatment, my hair is usually a mess, but those are just excuses. You have them too and they won't hold water when you are gone and no one will care one bit!
Please let them take a picture of you today. You can always hide it until you are gone and you won't care anymore, but your children will appreciate that snapshots of your life.
And don't forget to write in your journal today! Tell them that the sun is shining, you love them and you are doing this because you love them and want them always to know you love them. You never know what may happen in the next 10 minutes. They don't care for the headline story. They want the everyday little stories that make up you and your life. It also might help to spend each Sunday writing one little story of your childhood. They will so much appreciate the little snippet. As my mother is in the middle of Alzheimer's I'm so glad she wrote them down. And my only hope is that my children enjoy the stories I wrote. Now just to let them take a picture of me (but first I'm going to go do my hair).
Oh, it is ok to add a child or two-they are your jewels, now aren't they-and no proper mother would have her picture taken without her jewel near by-if not on!
Hey make it a homeschool project-learn a little photography-your kids will thank you and remember it doesn't cost if you have a digital camera!