Missing in Action

Yes, I have been missing action for the past two months. It is called soccer mom/coach! With five kids playing, one of which is also coaching a team. Only one of my children sat out this spring, sort of. He was there the whole time, helping, reading or playing with those children not playing. Needless to say I have spent the past eight weeks Monday through Thursday from 4:00 to 7:30. By the time we get home we either do Family Home Evening (Monday), Dad's game night (Tuesday), Scouts/Young Men's (Wednesday) and nothing (Thursday). This makes for quick dinners of sandwiches and off to bed! And that is just me!

I literally have just been jumping into bed and trying to get to sleep. I've been trying to read up on the human body and the civil war (the two units we are doing). It hasn't been a total success, but I'm trying. My biggest obstacle is has been some really restless legs trying while trying to sleep. I'm hoping that now that we are done with soccer it will stop.

Another thing that has made me MIA is the fact that I'm speaking this coming weekend in Utah. I'm not ready, but I will be before I get on the plane. Then the following weekend I'm doing my own conference which I'm not even close to being ready.

Well, hopefully in two weeks I will be back from being busy, just in time to get busy again with tearing down a deck and doing a yard!