Across the street at our old house was a house with a yard full of dandelions. With permission from the owner, my children use to pick all the "yellow flowers" their little hands could hold. I have always told them I love those "yellow flowers" so bring me every one you find. I just never tell them it is weeding.
Today while waiting for her brothers to be finished with art class, Jessie was playing in the local schools play ground and parking lot. She noticed a bunch of "yellow flowers" and proceeded to pick them for me (and her). Before I knew what she was doing she was at the van window with a dozen daffodils, "Mom, look yellow flowers for you."
They look very pretty on my kitchen counter in a mason jar filled with water, but I do have to say the prettiest thing was the smile on a little girl in her ballet outfit peeking out behind a fist full of "yellow flowers." I sure hope the school doesn't notice them gone and will excuse a little girl making her mother happy.