[Mom note: I didn't get an email on MONDAY!!!]
Hey Mom,
I think I have my feet under me. I'm still getting the hang of some things. Yes I got my bike. I've actually ridden it a couple of times,
[mom note: We bought his bike over the phone and had it waiting for him. He got there and they couldn't find it. We had to look over our credit card history to find the bike shop we bought it from. We found it and it eventually made it way from Macon to North Augusta. They hadn't put his name on it. Glad we did as it was expensive!!]
Elder Matthew Blanding's Bik
J*'s doing great. It'll be awhile for him to be re-baptized. This is going through the bishop so it's up to him when.
K* is an interesting case. He's be giving us the run around, literally. He's a great kid. He just needs to think and act like an adult when it comes to baptism.
Thanks for the recipes. I'm looking forward to using them. Thanks for the tip. The members don't really feed us that much. I've been to a few houses for dinner. We definitely don't get fed as much as elder Elder Blanding (like it?). We have a couple dinners coming up this week.
I'll have to try that the next time I have grits.
Yes I'm using the workouts. I can't get a full workout in the 30 minutes I have. Each workout takes a total of 42 minutes. So I do both circuits only once. This gives me a 26 minute workout. Besides, the letter you sent with them says to do it M,W,F. Me doing it this way gives allows me to start one on M,W,F, and finish it T,Th,S.
Thanks for doing that. I don't delete the photos on my camera after I upload them, and I don't want to upload photos you already have.
I know that it's a toy. It stays in my apartment.
Love you too,
Elder Matthew Blanding
P.S. - Sorry I couldn't write you on Monday. We had a meeting in Macon and it took up the whole day. President Cottle said we could move our P-day to today this week. Monday's my next P-day.
P.P.S. - Forgot to mention this. On Thursday I went on exchanges with the zone leaders, Elders Duran and Allen. I stayed in my area with Elder Duran. Elder Higgins and I had planned a meeting with an investigator that lives 30 miles away, so we had a member take us. Because none of us knew how to get to her house, we used the GPS. The GPS took us down a questionable road that eventually turned into mud. Eventually, we got stuck. We tried for two hours to get out on our own. Elder Duran and I left the member with the truck and walked about a mile down the road to find someone to pull us out. Now my suit pants are all coved in mud and my shoes were (I have since cleaned them). That certainly was a fun experience.
Elder Matthew Blanding's shoes
You're forgetting the warm up and cool down times. They add a total of 10 minutes to the time. It's ok for it to be wrong. I figured it out.
Thanks for praying for them.
I keep remembering stuff I should have put in my original email! We had a small miracle this week. One of our new investigators is amazing. Her name's A*. She actually contacted us. A friend of hers goes to a neighboring ward and they started talking. We've already taught her the first two lessons and we're meeting with her tonight. She is absolutely golden. She's already on date for May 7th. Although, we're trying to move it forward. I actually invited her to be baptized.