Hi mom (I almost wrote mi or my mom)
I can't even begin to describe how good it went. Most of the week was actually kind of sad, we didn't have anything go the way planned, but all it takes is a good end to make it sound perfect.
We started with weekly planning and a bunch of dropped citas. We then made the ward mission plan with the consejo del barrio (by that i mean we were there and they just adapted the last one that they had.) and then called it a night.
Wednesday, we got up early for a very special visit from members of the quorum of the 12 and other general authorities via satellite boradcast to the whole world. It WAS SOO COOOOOOOOOOL! We learned a lot and then we went a head and had a Zone/mission conference right after. I'm super excited for what is happening in the world of missionary work. We also, then went to a few appointments, but they all got canceled, again, so we just had dinner and worked out.
We then had Thursday, in which, we talked a lot, but taught no lessons. We also had 2 dinners at the exact same time. One with our elders quorum president and the other with obispo Barragan. It was really fun, because we had to be at both dinners, (we'd confirmed the one with president and thought that a Menos activo was going to be there and the one with Obispo was with all the missionaries so we could talk about the obra). We learned about the 2 dinners the night before (obispo was the surprise) so we started making calls for splits with the District Leader, the Zone leaders and even Elder Wall and Wakamastu (the other Elders in our ward who live out side the zone (this required President Henrie's approval)), but they were going on exchanges that night, so we decided the best way was to go to both dinners leave early from one and arrive late to the other. We don't have bikes, so we ate one dinner, and then ran to the next where Elder Deyholos was with Elder Wall and couldn't stop telling stories about my eating habits with him at member meals and the subsequent out comes. We then ran to coordination and then called it a night.
Friday, we had exchanges with the zone leaders. During the splits, we also went on splits with the ward, I took hermano Garicia (the ward mission leader and hermano Lipe (the first counselor in the high priest group) to a lesson, and elder Sanchez (my companion on the exchange) took hermano Santos Garcia to go knocking. The lesson was great and the investigators came to church that week. We also got some cool future investigators.
Saturday, we exchanged back, had a lesson with our super cool investigator that won't do anything more than talk super solid when we teach him, but then won't DO ANYTHING! We then invited all our investigators come to church tomorrow.
Sunday, We had 5 INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH AND A FUTURA! It was super cool. We had 4 come to the meetings, but one left early, and then later we had one come to THE BAPTISM OF A* P*!!! She was baptized yesterday at 5 o'clock it was one of the best things in the world. I've attached a few pictures from the baptism from elder Jager's camera, but I'll send mine home next Monday. We then did some service for President Sacor (the sunday school president) and then walked to dinner.
That's it, Baptism kind of over did everything else this week.
Elder Mike Blanding
Called to Serve my King.
Elder Jager and Elder Michael Blanding