I can't think of a better title then this one for the email, I keep wanting to say/scream/yell this at the clock every time I see time fly by.
Hi mom, (do know i miss you and can't wait to see you again, I just also really love the mission and will miss it)
This week was uneventful at the beginning, but turned into a fun week.
Monday, the Zone tried to do a barbecue, but it rained on us (yes it rains even in the valley, once every millennia), so we just played sports and then worked the rest of the night.
Tuesday, we planed and I called a thousand and one numbers of futoros that other missionaries had found from before I was a missionary. (It was fun and we might have found a investigator.)
Wednesday we did service and then started running by investigators/antiguos.
Thursday, we ran by a lot of antiguos and talked to random people in the street, but nothing really came of it. just a lot of really nice conversations with cool people.
Friday, we had ZTM, it was super cool. We talked about lighting ourselves on fire! Our mission is going to catch fire as we work together with enthusiasm. After ZTM we ran by some antiguos again (we've been working more with those so we have some motivation to go out and work) and tried by our fechas, but they had to cancel until Saturday. (I also got a English to Tongan missionary vocab book from the sister who gave me her Tongan missionary handbook for the week. I think she's spoiling me... should i be worried;) (it's a joke))
Saturday, we had service, a few potentials (all fell through) and a lesson with our fechas (they're the Familia G* (stress the 'e') if you want to pray for them, the dates the 13 of December (hint, hint)). We had a friend of theirs come who is also a member. We were planning on teaching The Sabbath Day, but they were sick, so we thought it'd be weird to invite them to Church the next day and we decided to back off and teach them about scripture study and why it's important. Good idea, right? WRONG! NEVER GO AGAINST THE SPIRIT, YOU WILL LOSE! Good thing we forgot to tell the hermana that. She got in there and bore them her testimony about church and prayer and by the end she'd practically taught the whole Sabbath day lesson. We're still going to recover a little bit with them, but it was cool. We also ate dinner with C* and C*. It was good. I was the super star student in Luicitos school for his "best friends" (what he calls the missionaries).
Sunday is the really fun one. We didn't have any lessons, but we ran by an antiguo we've actually known since we got in the area last July (has it really been that long?). He's part of a part-member/less-active family who we've taught once or twice before, but we didn't know he wasn't a member and we never really taught the lessons to him. We didn't get a chance to teach him last night, but we did set up an appointment for Thanksgiving with them #GETTINGFATTERBYTHEMEAL).
After this we had dinner with C* and C* (They aren't married or living together, we just need a man to enter and C* likes helping out with this, so they're really good friends). Dinner was very rich (SPANGLISH! LOVE IT), and Luicito (Carmen's 4-year-old boy) was (as always) super energetic. Dinner there is always fun because we learn Spanish from C* and C* and Luicito loves attention and will do anything to get it (sound like someone you know?), so we almost never can hear/talk. This night we some how got on the subject of bullying and how Luicito won't fight back. This led to how no one should touch your body inappropriately, which in turn lead C* to say "I don't like men's public restrooms.They don't have doors on the stalls, how weird! I don't understand it!" Elder Weinheimer and I could not hold it in at this statement. We both were dying laughing. We then took notice of the time and shared a quick spiritual thought and asked Luicito if he would come pray with us. His response was "NO, I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE." So I just started praying in Spanish. This set Luicito off even more. He stood right next to me and started yelling "STOP! STOP! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO! STOP" (I was almost too lazy to copy and paste this from the tittle) in my ear whilst hitting me on the head and arms and any thing he could reach with a little peace of paper/cardboard he'd been playing with. I was doing okay for most of the prayer, but at some point (I think it was about the middle) it got to be too much and I started laughing with Elder Weinheimer (if you don't know how to say this name, just think "Wine" and "Hammer" and you will be close (a latino saying this is doing super good)). I some how managed to finish the prayer and then we left with Luicito hot on our heels trying to keep us there. We'll have to see how he is on Saturday.
Well, this was a long one. Lots of really funny stuff happened at the end of the week.
I love you all
Elder Micheal Blanding
Called to Serve my King
Elder Michael Blanding