Hi mom,
This has been a fun week. To start off we had TRANSFERS. Things are going to be really different with President Henrrie. He made a game show out of putting trainers and trainees together and it was really fun to watch and listen to all the different ways that the trainers were described. Before transfer meeting started, Elder Stern, on of the Spanish Assistants, sat down next to me and told me that my companion that I was supposed to receive that day had gone home early from his mission. He left the Monday before transfers, so I got a different companion. Elder Weinheimer (it's a germen name). Because my intended companion went home early, both me and Elder Weinheimer are brand new to the area, though not to the ward, (Elder Weinheimer was going to go into a tio with the district leader but instead was put with me so he knows the ward). Because were both new to the area, we've been spending most of our time walking the area trying to learn where everything is. The area is so small that we probably won't be using bikes to much ):
We really didn't have any fun adventures. I walked into a tree and scrapped up my face just below my eye on Wednesday and we spent all of Sunday in the apartment because Elder Weinheimer didn't feel good. I loved the weather on Saturday, RAIN!!! It was so nice. I got to go home for the day and Elder Weinheimer has a really cool picture of me in the rain. I also made the cake on Sunday. It was so tasty, but I think I've destroyed my ability to eat sweets, because I felt so sick after a few bites and I'm thinking of giving it to the district leader because I can't eat any more. I'll work on building up my ability to eat sweets again after I get home.
Elder Weinheimer is so cool. He also likes to sing and We've been getting to know each other a little bit through out the week. I can't wait to find out if more about him, but singing Disney songs is really fun with him, because he has a fantastic voice. I've also almost finished Jesus the Christ. I LOVE THAT BOOK.
That's about all for the week
weight loss 190lbs, I blame the cake and probably walked it off today looking for the laundry mat
Con Amor
Elder Michael Blanding
Called to Serve My King