Well Elder Perez had emergency changes and I am no longer with him. It was sad and hard to say goodbye. I hope that I will be able to see him in the changes.
I am planning on making this last week of my mission the hardest worked of all. I reallly hope to have a lot of success, at least in terms of contacts (something I can control). This week is going to be awesome. Nothing can get me down.
The past week we had a baptism. Sister M* got baptized. I feel good to have had a baptism in these last few weeks of my mission. I wish I could have more but the rule of 5 weeks to get baptized gets in the way. I really hope that the ward can help her and make sure she stays active.
I really hope everything is going well at home. I really don't want to get home to nothing
Elder Jason Blanding
Elder Jason Blanding is on the right
Elder Jason Blanding (right) and his companion Elder Perez