So this week was cool we found a less active family and the 13 year old daughter wants to be baptized!! (This was an amazing turn of events because we have only had one family of investigators since I got here.) Also the daughter and the mom of the family came to church on Sunday!! Sadly the father didn't because he had to work but I still have hope. The family has been inactive for 6 years and is only now starting to come back.
Also tomorrow is Elder Swenson's Birthday!! To celebrate we went out to eat at Applebee's and got Krispy Kream. it was nice to eat normal food again. The only problem with doing something like that is that it is expensive... luckily I didn't have to pay for it :) The whole district went plus some elders from the zone it is in (it isn't in my zone) so there were 10 of us all together (4 companionships in my district and one from the other zone). era bien rico (it was very rich/good).
Also I got your package and also 3 more cards. I can't remember what numbers they were but that is three more I have. Also about telling you how long it takes that wouldn't make much of a difference because all the mail goes to the office and we only get it when we ether go there or we have some sort of zone get together so it it really quite random. In addition the mail system here is unreliable at best so while one might only take a few days another might take weeks or even months.
While I am on the topic of mail, I am attaching a photo of some of the stickers you sent me and I really hope that you noticed the same thing I did (missing "a" in hija). I thought it was kind of funny.
[I didn't include that photo]
I also have an interesting story to tell. So Elder Swenson and I were walking to the stake center to go to a zone conference and as we are walking we hear someone yelling in English. Turns out it was an Australian woman who had been visiting Puebla and was on her way to the airport to go home. While she was on the bus someone stole her wallet with 50 pesos and her credit card. The pesos aren't anything (less than 5 dollars) but the card was a big loss. We tried to help her as best we could and even let her use our phone to try to cancel her card but none of the numbers she had worked. I really wish there was more we could have done to help her but the person who took her wallet had disappeared by the time we found out what had happened.
Elder Swenson's Birthday Bash at Applebee's
Jason is in the front on the right.
How to stuff six Elders in a Mexican Taxi.
One is hiding behind the taxi driver's head.
Jason is dead center in the back.