Today I'm thankful for Family Home Evening. Family Home Evening is something that we do as member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We set aside one night a week (usually Monday) and gather our family together to have a lesson or activity on whatever we want.
We have been promised that this will bring our family closer together. I know it allows us to have serious discussions with our children about things that might not come up in every day conversations. It gives us as parents a chance to talk about faith or concerns we might have. Sometimes we just take an evening and have fun or create a memory.
Steve and I have tried to faithfully hold Family Home Evening since we became a family. I hope my children will look back on it with fond memories and with happiness.
Here are some things we have done for FHE:
Gone to a Mariners' Game
We've canned dry goods.
Played in the park.