Hi mom,
We didn't do to much, just ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. We had exchanges with elder Snachez and elder Stern on Wednesday. It was real fun. I went to coordination for Van Nuys again!. I was with Elder Stern in their area which is in Van Nuys. I also was in my old apartment (#1) because the zone leaders are in a 4 man pad with Elder Reymond and Elder Gatica. It was a fun day.
Sunday was also fun. We had church and someone thought it'd be a good idea if I sang a special musical number in church, so I sang Asombro Me Da (or I stand all amazed) in sacrament. It was pretty good, but I didn't know I was doing it until Tuesday, and Wednesday they told me I was doing this Sunday, so it was a little rough still. But it was really fun and sounded really good (or at least that's what they tell me)
That's really about it for this week. We're still working with our fechas and set a new one with a 14 year-old boy, so pray for the Lino Family (27 of march), and Marcos (17 of April).
Elder Mike Blanding
Called to Serve my King