Changes have come again!!! Neither myself nor my companion have changes!!! over all the district is staying mostly in tact. only two of the sisters have changes; Sister Adam and Sister Barre. And Sister Lowe is going to train!!! (see the letter to president to see why I'm so exited about that)
This week we found a few new people to teach. One of the people we found is R* she is the "wife" of a less active. we went looking for the less active two weeks ago and put an appointment to visit R* this last week. She had listened to the missionaries before and accepted a baptismal date for the 11th of October. The only problem is that right as we were about to leave the house we learned that she and her husband aren't actually married yet. They have 2 kids one is 7 years old and the other is about 1. she said that they have plans of getting married by December so unless we can help them get married faster we are going to have to change her baptismal date until December. We are going to focus on helping them both in these next few weeks so that they can start progressing.
President Christensen;
Thank you for letting us stay here in Zavaleta another change. I am really liking it here. It can be a little hard at times because there aren't very many people who live in our area (the majority of the contacts live in other areas) but I have learned a lot here. And I believe that I still have a lot more to learn. both from working in this area and also from working as a district leader.
The area is progressing. We have a few people that show promise of progressing. We are going to focus on them and also finding more people that are ready for baptism. We really want to have another baptism this change and I for one am going to do everything in my power to accomplish that goal.
Every change I am truly convinced that the changes are 100% inspiration. I feel that Hermana Lowe is ready to train and that it is the thing that she needs to be able to grow as a missionary. She knows how to do everything just fine what she needs is confidence that she can do it. I believe that training will help her gain just that. I know it did for me.
Elder Blanding.
*37: People stand on top of speed bumps with shovels in their hands to earn money. (they spread a little bit of fresh asphalt in front of the speed bumps so that the people think they made them easier on them)
Is what I do with my language study time now that I am bored of studying Spanish. the black is Egyptian taken from the outer boarder of Facsimile of Abraham #2 (the circle one) and the green is part of what Joseph Smith copied from the Gold Plates, and therefore Reformed Egyptian.