Well this week we have interviews. I always love interviews.
This last week we didn't have much success getting into houses this week. We did however find a new investigator. Her name is S*. She is converted to the christian (Protestant) faiths a few years ago, and she seems to still be searching for something. When we contacted her she seemed to be golden and then when we went by she seemed even more so. she told us that she has gone to many different churches and I believe that if we hadn't been talking for the first time on Saturday she would have gone to Church with us on Sunday (she already had plans for Sunday). The only problem is that we can only visit her on Saturday. Really for someone to progress we need to visit them at least 2 or 3 times a week. We are going to be praying for her and praying that we can be able to visit her more often.
Elder Jason Blanding.
President Christensen;
This last week was hard. All week we had the hardest time getting in to teach. Either they weren't there or there was no man in the house and we were unable to go in to teach. This week we have a plan to focus on getting new investigators by contacts and referrals. We are going to visit almost all of the members in our side of the ward and help them to get involved in the work. We really need to have new investigators.
I feel like the district is getting settled in now. There is always a little bit of difficulty when there are changes. But I think that the missionaries are starting to get used to their new areas and learning new tricks to working there and with their new companions. I hope that the district will be able to progress a lot in these next few weeks to finish out the change.
Elder Blanding.
The Army of Helaman
Elder Jason Blanding from back in July (or so the metadata says this was taken in July)