May 27, 2013

There were a few things that I forgot to mention about Mexico. One is transportation. When we need to get somewhere we have four ways we can get there, one is walking and of course that is the slowest but the cheapest and most reliable. The second way is to get a ride but we have only done that twice and it isn't very reliable because we don't plan for a ride they usually just offer to give us a ride so we never know if we are going to get one or not so we never plan on it or ask for one in advance. The third way is take a bus which is exactly what you would expect except you have to just stand at a place where they drive by and flag it down. The last way is to take a combe(sp) a combe is basically a small bus about the size of our van and like the buses you just need to flag one down and hope there is room (they are usually packed). That was one of the things I forgot, the other is that at my first comida I ate "Mole Publano" one of the spiciest foods they make here and I could barely eat any of it.

[Jason doesn’t like spicy or hot foods.]

This week has been interesting to say the least. I ran into my second crazy guy on Tuesday (first was that guy on my fist day in Texas) and this guy was totally nuts!! I am so glad I couldn't understand 90% of what he was saying because from what Elder Swenson told me he was talking about some nasty stuff. I will only say that he said that he had made a pact with the "santo muerto" and that he had tried black, white, red and I thing blue magic. There was more but I will spare you the details. Needless to say we will not be going back. 

Also just a few days ago Elder Swenson almost got hit by a bus. it must have been less than 3 inches away from him and was probably going about 45 MPH. 

Well that was all that I can think of to say about my week but I do have a request for both you and Dad, I want you to make a list of all your favorite books and at least rank the top 10 in order so that I will have plenty to read when I get home. Oh and preferably things in the sci-fi or fantasy genres. Also can you get me Elder Howlett's E-mail because now that we can E-mail friends I want to send him one?

Elder Blanding is third from left

Elder Blanding is third from left

A Mexican River; Elder Blanding wrote "Mexican garbage can aka the river. It smells worse than it looks.

A Mexican River; Elder Blanding wrote "Mexican garbage can aka the river. It smells worse than it looks.