About a year ago I was complaining on Facebook how much I hated, dreaded actually, clothes shopping. I really hate all kinds of shopping, but that's another problem. A dear friend told me about Dressing Your Truth and even went one step further and brought a book to me. I thought how sweet of her, but really, how can this help me. I hate the shape of my body, I hate trying to put a outfit together. I just like jeans and baggy tshirts.
I thought I would be polite and at least read the first little bit of the book because I knew she was going to be in my house for a couple hours with her teens in a few days. I started reading and the book opened my eyes. It wasn't a jolting and I'm awake but a slow opening of the curtains and letting the sun slowly creep into your room type of waking up.
The book my friend gave me is "Discovering Your Type of Beauty" by Carol Tuttle and Carol has built a little empire around the concept that each of us has an underlying energy and if we dress that way (dress your truth) then we will not only represent ourselves better, but we will ultimately feel better. When all of that happens we will be happier and be true to ourselves.
Now I'm not sure I believe all that she has said as I'm still on this journey. (Funny but this doubting is very true to my nature--I'm a Type 3--as Carol describes it in her books.) But I did jump in with both feet and said, "I have nothing to loose." So in December 2013 I jumped in and bought the course.
In February I literally emptied my closet. And I mean EMPTIED my closet. Shoes, belts, shirts, dresses, pants, you name it. If it didn't fit the Type 3 I was, then I tossed it.
I took EIGHT large black garbage bags to a woman's shelter.
This is how many hangers are now empty.
You know, it really did feel good. I had been holding on to a lot of stuff that I hadn't worn in years and wouldn't because they didn't feel right. I know why. According to Carol wearing the wrong color, style, texture, type of clothing drains you of your energy. One of the biggest drainers for me was all the black in my closet.
I've slowly shopped my way back to a health selection of clothing now and the transformation has been astounding, at least for me it has. I feel more energy and I feel more alive. I wear jewelry and dynamic colors. WOW!
One of the things it gave me was courage to change my body. I went to a diet clinic and got some help and shed 40 pounds--good thing I got rid of all my clothes already, now I can buy them in the correct size!
Well, I'm still not 100% buying into the dressing your truth system, but both Jessie (she's a type 1) and I are loving what freedom DYT has given us. We love the color palette and the ability to shop for ourselves in matter of minutes. We go straight to the rack and know exactly if the item is a "10" or not!
See if you don't agree--I'm looking HOT!
February: One of my first attempts.
March: On the way to The Lion King
April: Learning how to do selfies--it's an art!
May: At least the mirror is clean.
June: 40 pounds lighter! happy 25th anniversary.
July: It did take a bit to shop for this dress mostly because I wasn't sure what my size was after losing 40 pounds but mostly because all the sales racks were full of BLACK!
This is my son's wedding! I rocked it!
Aug: Even when I'm not dressing up I rock it! I'm still a lover of jeans and a t-shirt but this time they don't make me look horrible. And this is a sad/happy day: I'm sending my son on a mission for 2 years.
October: getting the hang of it.
I will say there is a vast improvement in the way I look and feel and for that I'm thankful to my friend who lent me her book. I have a long ways to go on this journey, but I'm enjoying discovering who I am.
Now just sit back and hear me roar!