It's My Birthday

June 30th Steve and I celebrated 21 years of togetherness. A few days later a son turned 15, less than a month later another son turned 13 and three weeks later my daughter turned 10. And today, September 6th, I turn 41. These are all wonderful things, things that I wasn't sure I was going to see a year ago. As many of you who read my blog know, last year around this time I was diagnosis with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was ONLY stage 2 and supposedly very beatable, but there are stories all the time (and I've read plenty of them) of people going to see the doctor and finding cancer and within days they are gone. For every one of those stories I also read a story of someone in stage 4 beating the odds. I want to beat the odds.

Today as I celebrate my birthday I feel like I have beat those odds--at least for now.

Last year's birthday was a flop! Not only was I 40--the dreaded FOUR ZERO, but I had just been diagnosed with cancer and my father-in-law passed away on my very birthday. It was an awful day, actually all of August and September was awful.

This year was so different. Steve decided not to celebrate (you don't celebrate, but I can't say not remember--because we didn't forget) his father's passing and dwell on me and life instead. We did remember his father the day before and probably will do so for the rest of our lives. I know Steve loved his father and I loved him like my own father. He will always be near to our hearts and we miss him so dearly.

My day started out with an "easy" run. (There is no such thing when you live on a hill, but I tried.) And to make sure he was happy, I let Steve sleep in. I ate a light breakfast because I knew we were going to go to lunch. But first we had to go shopping. Steve and I decided to combine our birthday presents and buy a new bed set. We splurged and got one of those tempurpedic type beds. I sure hope that helps with these old bones. After we paid for it we decided that it was our birthday and Christmas presents for the next decade! WOW!! But we hope it is comfortable and helps us sleep better.

I then had a wonderful lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. It was my first time there and they even sang to me! I actually had a stranger come up after the song and tell me it was her birthday too. We then walked through Bellevue Square which we probably haven't done in ages. I think maybe five or six years for me, not so much for Steve (the Apple store is in that mall and he has gone there a few times).

Next to the grocery store for ingredients for Sloppy Joes as the kids were making me that for dinner. It was delicious! They even did sugared carrots. We were so stuffed that we passed on the cake and Alaskan Mud (it wasn't quite frozen). We'll have that tomorrow--celebrating an extra day.

Funny how a year ago I wasn't sure I would even see this birthday. I know this past year gave this birthday a different feel and meaning. Can't wait til next year. Happy Birthday to ME!