Making Memories

Everyone in my family knows how to snow ski and this year we spent a week in Big White Ski Resort in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada enjoying the most fantastic snow on earth. The first day there the day was a bit foggy and snowy, but it was "good snow" or so I'm told. The next day started out a bit foggy and then cleared up to be one of the most beautiful days I've seen up in the mountains during the winter.
My younger four children spend the first part of the day in ski lessons so my husband can go to the top of the mountain and ski some of the difficult runs. My oldest two are very good skiers, in fact they are assistant instructors for a ski school closer to home, so they are free to spend the morning using good judgment skiing where their hearts desire. I gather the children from their lessons just before lunch and we spend lunch time together. After lunch the family skis some of the not so difficult runs together. I'm very pleased this year because Kray and Jason (my oldest
children) are helping out by taking some of the younger children down the slopes and back up the lifts. It really makes my heart warm. When the younger skiers are worn out, I greet them at the door with a cup of hot cocoa, a warm smile and listening ears. To hear them tell their tales they skied through thick forests, "got feet of air" when they went over a jump, skied to the edge of a cliff and lived to tell me all about it.
I'm the only one who doesn't strap on ski boats and hit the slopes. I hope that will change as the years go by, but for now Iā€™m content to just to help make memories for my children. I hope they look back on their child hood as one full of great memories and skiing at Big White being a high light of those memories.
Snowball fights in the hot tub.
Snow angels in the snow banks.
Hot cocoa mustaches.
All the junk food snacks one could eat.
Foot warmers in ski boots.
Games all evening night.
Spectacular views from the condo.
Even all the chick flicks I watched while waiting for them to return from their adventures.
As their mother my biggest wish is that as they grow up and move out that they remember that their dad and I did all we could to give them good memories. Memories that bring smiles to their faces, a desire to call and share those memories with each other and myself. This is a sacrifice I will gladly give to my children because I hope they call me too and share in their memories.