Page 2:
"Lehi 1: v8-14 Vision of Destruction of Jerusalem"
"15 -"after this manner" - or I'm giving you my version, it is not a direct quote"
"16 - "do not make a full account""
verse 6
"1st part"
verse 7
"2nd part"
at the end of the verse "quite an impact"
verse 8
"vision goes back in time to Great Council" with an arrow to he thought he saw God
verse 9
"Christ" next to the word One in verse 9
verse 10
verse 10-11
"Sees various assigned and descending to do assignment"
verse 13
in the margin next to these words:
wo, "1"
seen "2"
it "3"
in(habitants) "4"
into "5"
verse 14
repentant always accepted"
at the end of line because thou art she put * (asterisk) and an arrow from many in line two of that verse
verse 15
* (asterisk) before after this manner
verse 16
"abridge Lehi record"
and at the end of these lines:
he "1"
spake "2"
"x-townhouse cf: 3:16, 22, 2:4"
by D&C 110:2 (2-3) "Jo Sm saw"
"continuous record keeper"
Page 3
"1:20 (B)
Thesis developed in 3 dimensions
1) God blesses faith and delivers them
2) thru Atonement all delivered from Hell death
3) Prophecy - events will prove this true
Lehi: Dream
1:20 - Thesis Sentence} 6 stores illustrate
1) 2:14
2 )3-4
3) 7
4) Ch 16 HELP
6 ocean voyage"
verse 17
at the end "begin 10" HELP
verse 18
at the end "is commanded (in 2:4)"
verse 19
"Jews Mock" (in margin)
in front of the line
(wicked)ness "1"
saw "2"
which "3"
at the end of the verse "His mission? Atonement"
verse 20
she circled the word Jews and drew an arrow to angry
in the margin by sought his life she wrote "kill"
at the end of the line
tender "1"
all "2"
and under these words of the lord are over all she wrote "his guiding purpose in writing"
the number "2" comes before the word because of their faith
an arrow from faith to "means obedience"
before mighty "3"
in the margin "why chosen"
at the end of the verse/chapter "10: to know what to do"
Chapter 2
verse 1
at the end of the line with the word "why" (referring to the underlined word Blessed above the numbers
done; and "1" with done underlined
faithful and "2" with faithful underlined
things "3" with declared underlined at the beginning of that line
verse 2
at the end of the verse "purpose: vs 20 and 17:23-25" (or is that 18:23-25) HELP
verse 3
at the end of the verse "cf: 16:8" (remember that cf means compare to)
verse 4
in the margin "Lehi's Sacrifice"
with these words underlined left his house, land, gold, silver, precious things, took nothing with him, with an asterisk after him
"6:1" (or is it a 7) "and 10:1 19:1-4"
"*2Ne 5:28-34"
bottom of page referring to verse 17 footnotes
"2Ne 5:28-35 - These records written 30 year after of 570 BC"
"*see 3:25 for how much" (referring to the asterisk she put in verse 4)